Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 36 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
279 0 0 0 defined $subroutine and $subroutine eq '(eval)'
296 0 0 0 $class ne 'ARRAY' and $class ne 'HASH'
300 0 0 0 $class =~ /^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_:]*$/ and $class->isa($package)
405 0 0 0 defined $subroutine and $subroutine eq '(eval)'
417 0 0 0 %App::scope and not $App::scope{$package}
0 0 0 %App::scope and not $App::scope{$package} and not $App::scope{"$package.$sub"}
442 0 0 0 $App::trace_width and length $text > $App::trace_width
486 0 0 0 defined $subroutine and $subroutine eq '(eval)'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
311 0 0 0 $App::scope{$package} or $App::scope{"$package.$sub"}
314 0 0 0 $App::scope{$package} or $App::scope{"$package.$sub"}
500 0 0 0 $App::scope{$package} or $App::scope{"$package.$sub"}
503 0 0 0 $App::scope{$package} or $App::scope{"$package.$sub"}