Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 72 38.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
245 1 4 1 $hostname =~ tr/:// < 2 and $hostname =~ /(\S+):(\d+)$/
447 1 1 0 $type ne 'password' and $type ne 'enable'
449 0 0 2 defined $profile->{$type} and $profile->{$type} ne ''
455 0 0 0 $profile->{$type} eq '' and $profile->{'password'} ne ''
0 0 0 $type eq 'enable' and ($profile->{$type} eq '' and $profile->{'password'} ne '')
490 1 0 8 not $_[1] and defined $_[0]{'session'}
495 1 0 0 $session and $session->pid
608 0 0 1 defined $App::Tel::rtr->{'sshoptions'} and scalar $App::Tel::rtr->{'sshoptions'} > 0
666 0 0 0 $App::Tel::rtr->{'hostsearch'} and not $App::Tel::rtr->{'hostsearched'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
93 1 5 $args{'perl'} || ''
445 1 1 $type ||= 'password'
637 0 0 $p ||= 22
638 0 0 $p ||= ''
691 0 1 $App::Tel::rtr->{'logoutcmd'} ||= 'logout'
692 0 1 $App::Tel::rtr->{'prompt'} ||= '#'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
196 0 0 4 $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config/"
356 3 0 1 $host =~ /$h2/i or check_hostrange($h2, $host)
410 0 0 1 $ENV{'USER'} || $ENV{'LOGNAME'}
1 0 1 $profile->{'user'} ||= $ENV{'USER'} || $ENV{'LOGNAME'}
564 0 1 0 $profile->{'ena_username_prompt'} ||= qr/[Uu]ser[Nn]ame:|Login:/
565 0 1 0 $profile->{'ena_password_prompt'} ||= qr/[Pp]ass[Ww]ord/
623 0 1 0 $App::Tel::rtr->{'username_prompt'} ||= qr/[Uu]ser[Nn]ame:|[Ll]ogin:/
624 0 1 0 $App::Tel::rtr->{'password_prompt'} ||= qr/[Pp]ass[Ww]ord/
626 0 0 1 $self->{'opts'}{'p'} || $App::Tel::rtr->{'port'}
0 0 1 $self->{'port'} ||= $self->{'opts'}{'p'} || $App::Tel::rtr->{'port'}
712 0 0 0 $file ||= $self->{'hostname'}