Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 48 50.0

line true false branch
72 0 20 if ($self->seqid_weight eq 'file' and not defined $self->weight_file)
78 0 20 if ($self->count_loops_by eq 'coverage' and not defined $self->coverage) { }
0 40 elsif ($self->count_loops_by eq 'number_of_reads' and not defined $self->number_of_reads) { }
87 20 0 if $self->seqid_weight ne 'same'
133 0 20 unless (%$indexed_fasta)
143 0 50 if ($index_size < $read_size)
151 0 50 if ($index_size < $fragment_mean)
163 0 20 unless (%$indexed_fasta)
195 0 0 unless %$indexed_file
201 0 0 unless (exists $indexed_fasta->{$id})
205 0 0 if defined $err
286 3 5 $class eq 'App::SimulateReads::Fastq::PairedEnd' ? :
290 0 8 if ($number_of_reads <= 0 or $class eq 'App::SimulateReads::Fastq::PairedEnd' and $number_of_reads == 1)
359 0 8 $number_of_jobs == 1 ? :
368 10 4 if my $pid = $pm->start(\@files_t)
387 2 2 if $tid == $number_of_jobs
406 1710 0 unless (@_)
408 0 2280 unless $fhs[$fh_idx]->say(${$fastq_entry[$fh_idx];})
418 0 6 unless $fhs[$fh_idx]->close
432 0 4 if ($sig->signal_catched)
440 0 5 $self->output_gzip ? :
443 0 10 unless &cat($tmp_files[$i], $fh[$fh_idx])
450 0 5 unless $fh[$fh_idx]->close
457 0 10 unless unlink $file_t