Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 44 70.4

line true false branch
43 0 147 if $item->is_bailout
46 77 70 if ($item->is_comment)
47 7 70 if $item->as_string =~ /\A# Looks like /
54 7 63 if ($item->is_plan and not defined $totals{'plan'})
55 0 7 if $item->has_skip
62 63 0 if ($item->is_test)
67 49 14 if ($item->is_actual_ok)
70 14 49 if ($item->has_todo)
72 7 7 if $item->todo_passed
74 7 56 if $item->has_skip
76 0 63 if ($status and not defined $totals{'max'}) { }
0 63 elsif ($status) { }
85 0 7 if $unplanned
94 7 0 $totals{'bonus'} ? :
97 0 7 $totals{'unplanned'} ? :
102 0 7 if ($status)
104 0 0 $totals{'bonus'} ? :
105 0 0 $totals{'unplanned'} ? :
111 4 3 if ($verbose)
117 4 32 if ($item->has_todo and $item->todo_passed) { }
4 28 elsif (not $item->is_ok || $item->has_todo) { }
131 2 6 if ($verbose > 1) { }