Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 45 22.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
210 20 0 0 $self->seqid_weight eq "count" and not defined $self->expression_matrix
216 0 20 0 $self->count_loops_by eq "coverage" and not defined $self->coverage
20 0 0 $self->count_loops_by eq "number_of_reads" and not defined $self->number_of_reads
618 0 0 0 @$keys and @$weights
758 100 0 0 defined $indexed_snv and defined $indexed_snv->{$std_seq_id}
856 0 0 0 defined $snv->{'id'} && $snv->{'id'} ne '.'
883 0 0 0 defined $seq_id and exists $indexed_fasta->{$seq_id}
895 0 0 0 $snv->{'ref'} eq "-" and $snv->{'pos'} > $size
0 0 0 $snv->{'ref'} ne "-" and $snv->{'pos'} >= $size
1132 2 2 0 $seq_class eq "App::Sandy::Seq::PairedEnd" and $file_class =~ /(sam|bam|join)/u
1142 4 0 0 $output_format =~ /^(sam|bam)$/u and $tid == 1
1148 4 0 6840 $i <= $last_read_idx and not $sig->signal_catched
1180 4 0 0 $output_format eq "bam" and $tid == $number_of_jobs

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
515 0 0 0 exists $piece_table->{$id} or $self->_exists_fasta_tree($id)
895 0 0 0 $snv->{'ref'} eq "-" and $snv->{'pos'} > $size or $snv->{'ref'} ne "-" and $snv->{'pos'} >= $size