Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 50 0.0

line true false branch
40 0 0 if ($rs or $default_profile{$name}) { }
46 0 0 unless ($type =~ /^(fastq|raw)$/u)
97 0 0 if &$skip()
105 0 0 if ($deepth != scalar @{$partil[$i];})
124 0 0 if ($num_lines == 0)
136 0 0 if ($type eq 'fastq') { }
141 0 0 if eof $fh
147 0 0 unless defined(my $entry = readline $fh)
154 0 0 unless ($stack[0] =~ /^\@/u and $stack[2] =~ /^\+/u)
165 0 0 unless defined(my $entry = readline $fh)
176 0 0 $num_left < 1000 ? :
184 0 0 if (&$do_pick())
185 0 0 if length $entry >= 10
186 0 0 if ($picks >= 10 and ++$acm % int($picks / 10) == 0)
189 0 0 if --$picks_left <= 0
193 0 0 if (scalar @quality == 0)
200 0 0 unless $fh->close
219 0 0 if ($default_profile{$quality_profile})
224 0 0 unless defined $rs
227 0 0 unless defined $compressed
246 0 0 unless ($rs or $default_profile{$quality_profile})
252 0 0 if ($rs and not $rs->is_user_provided or $default_profile{$quality_profile})
277 0 0 if ($entry) { }
305 0 0 $quality->is_single_molecule ? :
0 0 $quality->is_user_provided ? :