Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 74 0.0

line true false branch
40 0 0 unless ref $self
48 0 0 if ($INT or $TERM)
49 0 0 $TERM ? :
56 0 0 if @{$self->{'pending'};} == 0 and $self->{'running'}->count == 0
61 0 0 unless ($self->{'quiet'})
65 0 0 @fail ? :
82 0 0 unless &GetOptions('c|concurrency=i', \($self->{'concurrency'} = 5), 'h|help', sub { pod2usage('verbose', 99, 'sections', 'SYNOPSIS|OPTIONS|EXAMPLES'); } , 's|script=s', \$self->{'script'}, 'v|version', sub { printf "%s %s\n", 'App::RemoteCommand', $VERSION; exit; } , 'a|ask-sudo-password', \my $ask_sudo_password, 'H|host-file=s', \my $host_file, 'sudo-password=s', \$self->{'sudo_password'}, 'append-hostname!', \(my $append_hostname = 1), 'append-time!', \my $append_time, 'sudo=s', \$self->{'sudo_user'}, 'q|quiet', \$self->{'quiet'})
85 0 0 $host_file ? :
86 0 0 if ($self->{'script'}) { }
92 0 0 unless $self->{'command'}
0 0 unless (@{[] unless $self->{'command'};} or $self->{'script'})
96 0 0 if ($self->{'script'})
98 0 0 unless File::Copy::copy($self->{'script'}, $tempfh)
110 0 0 if ($ask_sudo_password)
114 0 0 $host_file ? :
138 0 0 if ($self->{'select'}->count == 0) { }
149 0 0 if ($pid > 0 and my $remove = $self->{'select'}->remove('pid', $pid))
154 0 0 $pid > 0 ? :
156 0 0 unless ($is_running)
172 0 0 if ($len) { }
0 0 elsif (not defined $len) { }
173 0 0 if (my(@line) = $buffer->add($buf)->get)
175 0 0 if ($ready->{'sudo'} and @line == 1 and $line[0] eq $SUDO_FAIL)
182 0 0 if ($buffer->raw eq $SUDO_PROMPT)
186 0 0 if (my $sudo_password = $self->{'sudo_password'}) { }
196 0 0 if ($errno != 5)
210 0 0 if ($fh)
217 0 0 if (defined $len and $len > 0) { }
233 0 0 if $self->{'sudo_user'}
237 0 0 if (my $script = $self->{'script'}) { }
255 0 0 @{$self->{'command'};} == 1 && $self->{'command'}[0] =~ /$escape/ ? :
268 0 0 if $ssh_at_exit
275 0 0 if ($opt{'append_time'} and $opt{'append_hostname'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opt{'append_time'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opt{'append_hostname'}) { }
293 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $host_file
297 0 0 if $line =~ /^[^#\s]/