Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 24 51 47.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
52 0 3 32 $key and $value

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
97 0 1 $$self{'default'}{'cost'} // 12
135 0 1 $$self{'default'}{'cost'} // 12
136 1 0 $$self{'default'}{'pwgen_cmd'} // 'pwgen -s 23 1'
137 0 1 $$self{'default'}{'xclip_cmd'} // 'xclip -l 1'
204 1 1 $data{'login'} //= ''
206 1 1 $data{'url'} //= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 1 0 0 $$self{'default'}{'master_password'} // $self->ui->read_pw('Running for the first time. Please choose a master password', 1)
154 0 1 0 $$self{'default'}{'cost'} //= $$cfg{'_'}{'cost'}
155 1 0 0 $$self{'default'}{'pwgen_cmd'} //= $$cfg{'_'}{'pwgen_cmd'}
156 0 1 0 $$self{'default'}{'xclip_cmd'} //= $$cfg{'_'}{'xclip_cmd'}
203 1 1 0 $data{'file'} //= $$self{'xdg_data'} . "/$data{'name'}"
205 0 2 0 $data{'salt'} //= $self->pw->create_salt
207 0 2 0 $data{'cost'} //= $$self{'default'}{'cost'}
240 2 1 0 $data{'file'} //= $$self{'xdg_data'} . "/$data{'name'}"
249 3 0 0 $$key{'cost'} // $$self{'master_cost'}
3 0 0 $$key{'cost'} // $$self{'master_cost'}
2 0 0 $$key{'cost'} // $$self{'master_cost'}
273 2 0 0 $data{'file'} //= $$self{'xdg_data'} . "/$data{'name'}"