Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 17 30 56.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
120 0 0 45 App::RL::Common::info_is_valid($info_0) and App::RL::Common::info_is_valid($info_1)
170 0 0 45 App::RL::Common::info_is_valid($info_0) and App::RL::Common::info_is_valid($info_1)
173 33 4 8 $info_0->{'chr'} eq $info_1->{'chr'} and $info_0->{'start'} == $info_1->{'start'}
37 0 8 $info_0->{'chr'} eq $info_1->{'chr'} and $info_0->{'start'} == $info_1->{'start'} and $info_0->{'end'} == $info_1->{'end'}
221 12 4 5 $intspan0_i->superset($intspan0_j) and $intspan1_i->superset($intspan1_j)
12 4 0 $intspan0_j->superset($intspan0_i) and $intspan1_j->superset($intspan1_i)
277 2 0 1 $intspan0_i->overlap($intspan0_j) >= $opt->{'bundle'} and $intspan1_i->overlap($intspan1_j) >= $opt->{'bundle'}
345 0 0 0 $intspan_i->size / $intspan0->size > 0.5 and $intspan_i->size / $intspan1->size > 0.5

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
116 45 0 0 @new_parts == 3 or @new_parts == 2
126 39 6 0 $new_parts[2] eq '+' or $new_parts[2] eq '-'