Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 33 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
261 0 0 0 $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'parenthesis'} == 0 and $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'bracket'} == 0
0 0 0 $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'parenthesis'} == 0 and $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'bracket'} == 0 and $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'brace'} == 0
319 0 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERLSHELL_SESSION'} and not $@
399 0 0 0 defined $proto and length $proto == 0
618 0 0 0 defined ${$ENV{'PERLSHELL_PACKAGE'} . "::$var";} and not defined $SKIP{'$' . $var}
0 0 0 @{$ENV{'PERLSHELL_PACKAGE'} . "::$var";} and not defined $SKIP{'@' . $var}
0 0 0 %{$ENV{'PERLSHELL_PACKAGE'} . "::$var";} and not defined $SKIP{'%' . $var}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
63 0 0 0 ref $self || $self
249 0 0 0 $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdLine'} =~ /,\s*$/ or $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'parenthesis'} != 0
0 0 0 $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdLine'} =~ /,\s*$/ or $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'parenthesis'} != 0 or $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'bracket'} != 0
0 0 0 $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdLine'} =~ /,\s*$/ or $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'parenthesis'} != 0 or $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'bracket'} != 0 or $App_PerlShell_Shell->{'shellCmdComplete'}{'brace'} != 0