Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 106 106 100.0

line true false branch
48 6 72 if ($self->{'OPTS'}{'show'}) { }
1 71 elsif (@_ < 2) { }
49 1 5 unless @_
63 1 75 if ($self->{'OPTS'}{'full-headers'})
72 72 4 unless defined $self->{'OPTS'}{'colors'}
76 28 504 if ($self->{'OPTS'}{'colors'}) { }
85 4 72 $self->{'OPTS'}{'colors'} ? :
86 4 72 $self->{'OPTS'}{'colors'} ? :
91 1 6 if $@
150 63 5 if (exists $diff->{'D'}) { }
1 4 elsif (exists $diff->{'U'}) { }
170 35 69 unless exists ${$dref;}->{'N'}
171 5 64 unless defined ${$dref;}->{'O'} and defined ${$dref;}->{'N'}
172 8 56 if ref ${$dref;}->{'O'} or ref ${$dref;}->{'N'}
173 14 42 if &is_number(${$dref;}->{'O'}) or &is_number(${$dref;}->{'N'})
178 25 17 if (@old > 1 or @new > 1)
182 14 11 if ($old[-1] eq '' and $new[-1] eq '')
194 59 51 if ($match = !$match) { }
196 34 25 if ($header)
205 51 8 if (@cdiff > 4)
207 41 10 $self->{'OPTS'}{'ctx-text'} ? :
209 32 19 if (@rest or not $header)
216 18 33 if (@del)
223 43 8 if (@del)
228 42 9 if (@add)
247 54 15 if ($self->{'OPTS'}{'ofmt'} eq 'term') { }
4 11 elsif ($self->{'OPTS'}{'ofmt'} eq 'brief') { }
1 10 elsif ($self->{'OPTS'}{'ofmt'} eq 'rules') { }
271 10 20 if exists ${$dref;}->{$tag}
285 8 4 unless exists ${$dref;}->{$_}
289 1 3 $_ eq 'R' ? :
311 141 471 if exists ${$dref;}->{$tag}
323 5 130 if ($self->{'OPTS'}{'show'}) { }
324 1 4 if (ref $files[0]{'data'}[0] eq 'ARRAY') { }
333 65 65 unless @files > 1
345 1 70 if ($self->{'OPTS'}{'show'} and my(@errs) = &Struct::Diff::valid_diff($diff))
357 69 1 unless ($self->{'OPTS'}{'quiet'})
358 54 15 if $self->{'OPTS'}{'ofmt'} eq 'term'
363 66 1 unless not keys %{$diff;} or exists $diff->{'U'}
367 4 65 unless $self->{'status'}
378 6 135 if @{$self->{'OPTS'}{'grep'};}
380 124 17 if (@data and ref $data[0])
390 6 4 if $status eq 'N'
407 95 46 if (@{$path;} and my(@delta) = &path_delta($self->{'hdr_path'}, $path))
409 86 9 $self->{'OPTS'}{'pretty'} ? :
414 23 119 if ($status eq 'A' || $status eq 'R' and $s == $#{$path;}) { }
434 3 73 if ($self->{'TTY'} and not $self->{'OPTS'}{'quiet'})
437 1 2 @names == 1 ? :
444 23 118 if $status eq 'T'
454 87 31 unless &is_number($value)
477 30 133 if ($status eq '@')
479 21 9 $hdr[1] > 1 ? :
20 10 $hdr[3] > 1 ? :