Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 24 58.3

line true false branch
33 0 142 if ($filename =~ /\.pdf$/i)
40 0 141 if (not defined $main::options->{'a2crd'} && !$main::options->{'a2crd'} || $main::options->{'fragment'} and &any(sub { /\S/; } , @$lines) and $main::options->{'crd'} || !&any(sub { /^{\s*\w+/; } , @$lines))
45 0 0 if $main::options->{'verbose'} or not $main::options->{'a2crd'} || $main::options->{'crd'}
54 275 9 unless exists $opts->{$_}
58 283 1 unless exists $opts->{$_}
61 40 102 if ref $main::config eq "HASH"
74 1 169 if ($song->{'assets'})
77 1 0 unless $v->{'persist'}
82 144 26 if $song->{'body'}
85 0 27 unless $songs or $main::running_under_test
94 0 0 unless (-s -r $filename)
111 0 0 if $main::config->{'debug'}{'song'}