Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 68 144 47.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
99 119 130 0 $a and $cfg[$a]{'_src'} eq $cfg[$a - 1]{'_src'}
179 0 833 0 @$_ and @$_ != 3
319 0 0 0 $dir ne "" and not "File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($c)
356 78 119 0 @$c and $c->[0] eq "append"
386 0 0 0 $delta and not defined $cfg->{'tuning'}
489 15 0 2 ref $hash->{$key} eq "ARRAY" and ref $self->{$key} eq "ARRAY"
571 3 0 3 _ref($self) eq "HASH" and _ref($orig) eq "HASH"
591 4 0 2 _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "HASH" and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "HASH"
2 0 2 _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "ARRAY" and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "ARRAY"
1 0 0 not defined $self->{$key} and _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "ARRAY"
1 0 0 not defined $self->{$key} and _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "ARRAY" and not @{$orig->{$key};}
1 0 0 not defined $orig->{$key} and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "ARRAY"
1 0 0 not defined $orig->{$key} and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "ARRAY" and not @{$self->{$key};}
626 0 0 3 _ref($self) eq "ARRAY" and _ref($orig) eq "ARRAY"
723 18650 0 6479 ref $right->{$key} eq "HASH" and ref $res{$key} eq "HASH"
15444 357 2849 ref $right->{$key} eq "ARRAY" and ref $res{$key} eq "ARRAY"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
64 9 0 $main::options // {}
68 28 91 $main::options->{'verbose'} //= 0
118 119 0 $ENV{'USER'} || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || getlogin || getpwuid $< || 'chordpro'
119 119 0 eval { do { (getpwuid $<)[6] } } || ''
133 2380 10472 $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{$_} //= undef
145 0 0 $new->{'pdf'}{'diagrams'}{'show'} //= "right"
168 357 0 $cfg->{'pdf'}{'formats'}{'first'}{$_} // 1
213 0 1190 $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'color'} //= "foreground"
214 119 1071 $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'background'} //= "background"
262 0 0 ChordPro::Chords::get_parser() // ""
415 0 0 $path //= ""
586 0 0 $state //= "M"
591 2 0 $self->{$key} // ""
2 0 $orig->{$key} // ""
599 2 2 $state //= "M"
620 0 1 $state //= "M"
623 3 0 $state // "I"
634 0 1 $state //= "M"
636 1 0 $state // "I"
675 0 0 $state // "I"
796 283139 132 $path //= ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
150 0 0 0 $new->{'toc'}{'title'} //= $new->{'pdf'}{'formats'}{'default'}{'toc-title'}
207 1071 0 1071 $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'name'} or $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'description'}
0 119 952 $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'name'} or $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'description'} or $cfg->{'pdf'}{'fonts'}{$ff}{'file'}
482 45 0 0 exists $self->{$key} or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts|fontconfig)\./u
45 0 0 exists $self->{$key} or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts|fontconfig)\./u or $path =~ /^meta\./u
0 0 0 exists $self->{$key} or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts|fontconfig)\./u or $path =~ /^meta\./u or $key =~ /^_/u
564 60 0 8 &reftype($self) // ref $self
580 6 0 0 exists $self->{$key} or $key =~ /^_/u
591 2 2 2 _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "HASH" and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "HASH" or _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "ARRAY" and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "ARRAY"
0 0 1 not defined $self->{$key} and _ref($orig->{$key}) eq "ARRAY" and not @{$orig->{$key};} or not defined $orig->{$key} and _ref($self->{$key}) eq "ARRAY" and not @{$self->{$key};}
598 0 0 4 $m eq "D" or $m eq "I"
715 24772 0 357 exists $res{$key} or $path eq "pdf.fontconfig."
24772 0 357 exists $res{$key} or $path eq "pdf.fontconfig." or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts)\./u
0 0 357 exists $res{$key} or $path eq "pdf.fontconfig." or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts)\./u or $path =~ /^meta\./u
0 0 357 exists $res{$key} or $path eq "pdf.fontconfig." or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts)\./u or $path =~ /^meta\./u or $path =~ /^delegates\./u
0 0 357 exists $res{$key} or $path eq "pdf.fontconfig." or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts)\./u or $path =~ /^meta\./u or $path =~ /^delegates\./u or $path =~ /^debug\./u
0 357 0 exists $res{$key} or $path eq "pdf.fontconfig." or $path =~ /^pdf\.(?:info|fonts)\./u or $path =~ /^meta\./u or $path =~ /^delegates\./u or $path =~ /^debug\./u or $key =~ /^_/u
840 11 1 0 $p //= $def