Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 18 50.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
60 0 0 11 &sysreadfull_chk($fh, $len, 8) and &sysreadfull_chk($fh, $line, $len + 0)
84 1 1 7 defined $$attachmentref and length $$attachmentref
90 0 0 11 &syswritefull_chk($fh, sprintf('%08d', length $line)) and &syswritefull_chk($fh, $line)
0 0 11 &syswritefull_chk($fh, sprintf('%08d', length $line)) and &syswritefull_chk($fh, $line) and &syswritefull_chk($fh, $data_e)
0 11 0 &syswritefull_chk($fh, sprintf('%08d', length $line)) and &syswritefull_chk($fh, $line) and &syswritefull_chk($fh, $data_e) and !$attachmentsize || &syswritefull_chk($fh, $$attachmentref)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
90 4 7 0 !$attachmentsize || &syswritefull_chk($fh, $$attachmentref)