Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 26 39 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
65 123 0 0 &present('base-dir') and not &present('dir')
103 4 3 49 &valid('dir') and &valid('filename')
180 0 6 199 defined $journal and &present($journal)
6 198 1 defined $journal and &present($journal) and not exists $App::MtAws::ConfigEngine::context->{'override_validations'}{'journal'}
189 0 8 455 defined $journal and &present($journal)
191 455 0 0 -e $value and !(-w $value) || -d $value
199 0 0 9 defined $journal and &present($journal)
207 0 583 20 &present('protocol') and &value('protocol') eq 'https'
212 0 5 10 'LWP::Protocol::https'->VERSION and 'LWP::Protocol::https'->VERSION ge '6'
240 151 54 21 &explicit('detect') && !&present('replace-modified')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
191 0 0 0 !(-w $value) || -d $value
250 33 38 155 &present('new') or &present('replace-modified')
71 14 141 &present('new') or &present('replace-modified') or &present('delete-removed')