Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 124 37.1

line true false branch
32 0 0 if ($that =~ /^\s*['"]/) { }
35 0 0 unless $tok =~ s/^(['"])// and $tok =~ s/$1$//
56 0 0 unless $$this{'groups'}{$k}
0 4 $k =~ s/^\@// ? :
59 0 4 if (my($k) = /^\-(.+)/)
69 2 2 if $_ > $l
72 2 1 if $l != $o
90 2 0 if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') { }
107 0 0 if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
125 0 0 if (/^@(.+)/)
126 0 0 if (my $g = $$groups{$1})
134 0 0 if ($r)
136 0 0 ref $_ ? :
143 0 0 if $replace_limit < 1
144 0 0 if $replaced
156 0 0 unless (our $already_compiled++)
181 0 0 unless eval $load_ansi_filter_package
185 0 0 $trunc ? :
0 0 unless open my $log, $trunc ? '>' : '>>', $file
201 0 0 unless (defined $val)
206 0 0 $val ? :
225 0 0 unless $$this{'groups'}
226 0 0 wantarray ? :
250 0 0 if -f $that
256 0 0 if (my $c = $$this{'_conf'}{'options'}{'shell-command'})
260 0 0 if (my $c = $$this{'_conf'}{'options'}{'logfile'})
262 0 0 $t ? :
263 0 0 if $t =~ /(?:no|false)/i
268 0 0 if (my $c = $$this{'_conf'}{'options'}{'no-command-escapes'})
269 0 0 $c ? :
270 0 0 if $c =~ /(?:no|false)/i
292 0 4 unless (@hosts)
293 0 0 if (my $h = $$this{'_conf'}{'options'}{'default-hosts'}) { }
297 0 0 if (my $e = $$this{'_usage_error'}) { }
341 10 1 $host ? :
344 0 11 $fh == 2 ? :
348 0 11 if ($$this{'_log_fh'})
353 0 0 $host ? :
354 0 0 $fh == 2 ? :
388 0 6 unless $$this{'_pid'}{$_[11]}
396 0 6 if ((my $exit = $_[12]) != 0)
418 0 30 unless $$this{'_wid'}{$wid}
425 6 24 if ($count > 3) { }
428 6 0 if $$lineno == 0
429 2 4 if (@c)
447 0 0 unless delete $$this{'_wid'}{$wid}
450 0 0 if $operation eq 'read' and not $errnum
462 23 0 unless exists $$this{'_subst'}{$k}
471 0 17 unless delete $$this{'_subst'}
478 7 10 if ($host =~ /\b(?!<\\)!/) { }
483 9 140 if ($c[$i] eq '%h')
492 15 0 unless ($$this{'no_command_escapes'})
499 25 145 if ($arg =~ /[\s()]/)
511 5 19 if ($c[$i] =~ s/^([\w.\-_]+)@//) { }
515 8 16 if $_ eq '%u'
532 10 7 if ($h{'%h'})
533 2 8 if $h{'%h'} =~ s/^([\w.\-_]+)@//
537 19 175 exists $h{$_} ? :
538 4 26 $h{$1} ? :
30 190 /^\[([^\[\]]+)\]/ ? :
542 0 17 if ($$this{'debug'})
593 2 1 if (@hosts == 1) { }