Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 30 50.0

line true false branch
13 0 0 unless my $class = shift()
87 0 20 unless -d "$dir"
91 0 5 unless -d ' another subdir'
92 0 5 unless my $orig_size = -s ''
94 0 5 unless ($dest_size and $orig_size == $dest_size)
100 0 25 unless -l $link
103 0 5 unless system('rm -rf td ; cp -a td') == 0
119 2 0 unless defined $name
132 1 11 if (ref $re and ref $re eq 'ARRAY') { }
137 10 0 $$args[2] ? :
10 0 $$args[3] ? :
143 6 5 $$args[2] ? :
11 0 $$args[3] ? :
147 12 0 unless defined $name
166 0 0 unless defined $name