Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 50 74 67.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
125 3 1 1 $previous_event->is_end and $ll->is_end
304 1 0 960 $start_event and $end_event
320 946 6 6 $c1 and $c2
335 6 3 145 $previous and $previous->is_open
387 0 0 17 $start_time and $end_time
399 12 4 1 $c1 and $c2
456 0 0 949 $start_event and $end_event
477 927 3192 29 defined $previous_index and $previous_index == $index
523 2 1 0 defined $previous_index and $previous_index == $index
583 495 435 0 $previous and $previous->is_open
930 0 0 $previous and $previous->is_open and 'DateTime'->compare($previous->start, $end) < 0
604 104 3 8 $ll->is_note and $ll->time >= $start
623 948 884 3950 $previous and $previous->is_open
694 188 1 0 $current->is_end and $previous->is_closed
696 1 188 0 $current->is_beginning and $current->time < $previous->start || $previous->is_closed && $current->time < $previous->end
735 0 0 1 $self->[2] and $self->[2]->is_open
770 64 0 190 $d1->day == $d2->day && $d1->month == $d2->month && $d1->year == $d2->year
779 0 1 0 $io and $io->is_open
802 0 0 0 $index =~ /^\d++$/u and ref $line eq 'App::JobLog::Log::Line'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
679 4151 0 $i ||= 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
307 952 6 2 $end_event->is_open or 'DateTime'->compare($start, $end_event->end) < 0
656 4 2 0 $previous_index // $i
696 0 0 188 $current->time < $previous->start || $previous->is_closed && $current->time < $previous->end
711 0 62 127 not $last_ts or _different_day($last_ts, $current->time)
757 1 2 63 not $last_ts or _different_day($last_ts, $note->time)