Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 61 57.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
37 2 13 0 !$do_notes && ($test || 0)
44 5 0 2 _break_of_dawn($start) and _witching_hour($end)
61 0 0 0 $skip_flex and $p->flex
73 1 202 67 @days and $days[0]->end < $e->start
95 0 0 0 is_workday($d->start) and $p->conflicts($d->pseudo_event)
119 76 7894 3163 $d->is_empty and not is_workday($d->start)
146 5 0 2 $date->hour == 0 && $date->minute == 0 && $date->second == 0
152 0 0 2 $date->hour == 23 && $date->minute == 59 && $date->second == 59
196 0 0 15 single_interval($merge_level) && !$hidden->{'time'}
197 9 0 6 $show_year &&= $columns->{'date'}
255 63 13 0 $screen_width > -1 and length $ts > 10
277 0 15 0 $hash->{'tags'} and $hash->{'widths'}{'tags'}
284 0 15 0 $hash->{'time'} and $hash->{'widths'}{'time'}
288 2 13 0 $hash->{'duration'} and $hash->{'widths'}{'duration'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
38 6 9 $test //= sub { $_[0]; }
253 0 76 $hash->{'widths'}{'tags'} || 0
266 61 15 $hash->{'widths'}{'time'} || 0
271 31 13 $hash->{'widths'}{'duration'} || 0
300 35 1 $hash->{'widths'}{$col} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
44 2 0 7 $do_notes or _break_of_dawn($start) and _witching_hour($end)
61 0 0 0 $skip_flex and $p->flex or not $p->conflicts($e)
333 0 4 11 $_[0] == 2 or $_[0] == 3