Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 60 88 68.1

line true false branch
41 9 6 unless ($skip_flex)
44 5 2 unless $do_notes or _break_of_dawn($start) and _witching_hour($end)
47 2 13 $do_notes ? :
51 2 13 $hidden->{'vacation'} ? :
54 13 2 unless ($hidden->{'vacation'})
61 0 0 if ($skip_flex and $p->flex or not $p->conflicts($e))
72 203 2 if ($e = &$test($e))
76 200 33 if ($e->intersects($d->pseudo_event))
83 33 0 unless ($do_notes)
84 0 33 if $d->start > $e->end
95 0 0 if (is_workday($d->start) and $p->conflicts($d->pseudo_event))
98 0 0 if ($clone->fixed) { }
103 0 0 if ($clone->flex) { }
119 3163 7970 if ($d->is_empty and not is_workday($d->start))
129 0 7970 if ($flex)
132 0 0 if ($tr > 0)
137 62 7908 if @events > 1
162 30 11088 $doing_notes ? :
172 2 13 $doing_notes ? :
186 15 0 if (@$days) { }
215 13 2 unless ($hidden->{'totals'})
219 2 11 if $times->{'untagged'}
220 0 13 if $times->{'vacation'}
223 0 14 if $l > $m1
228 0 13 if $times->{'vacation'}
229 11 2 if (%{$times->{'tags'};})
231 0 11 if $times->{'untagged'}
252 76 0 if ($hash->{'tags'})
255 0 76 if ($screen_width > -1 and length $ts > 10)
259 0 0 if length $line > length $ts
263 11 65 if $w2 > $w1
265 76 0 if ($hash->{'time'})
268 16 60 if $w2 > $w1
270 44 32 if ($hash->{'duration'})
273 14 30 if $w2 > $w1
277 11 4 if ($hash->{'tags'} and $hash->{'widths'}{'tags'})
284 15 0 if ($hash->{'time'} and $hash->{'widths'}{'time'})
288 13 0 if ($hash->{'duration'} and $hash->{'widths'}{'duration'})
292 15 0 if ($hash->{'description'})
293 3 12 if ($screen_width == -1) { }
304 0 12 if $max_description < 20
313 54 6 if $f
327 24 0 unless $@
333 11 4 unless $_[0] == 2 or $_[0] == 3