Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 142 63.3

line true false branch
48 36 151 if ($line =~ /^--- (.*)/) { }
36 115 elsif ($line =~ /^\+\+\+ (.*)/) { }
37 78 elsif ($line =~ /^\@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+\d+(?:,\d+)? \@@/) { }
59 3 34 if $file_a ne $file_b
64 34 88 if (not defined $line or $line =~ /^[^ +\\-]/)
70 15 19 defined $2 ? :
79 6 28 if defined $line
103 40 3 unless $summary =~ /^(?:fixup|squash)! (.*)/
105 0 3 if ($prefix =~ /^(?:(?:fixup|squash)! ){2}/)
109 0 3 if (@matches > 1) { }
0 3 elsif (@matches == 0) { }
3 0 elsif (@matches == 1) { }
126 0 34 if (grep {not defined $_;} $hunk, $blame, $summary_for, $strict)
131 15 19 if ($args->{'strict'} == $CONTEXT) { }
134 3 12 if (@topic_targets > 1)
145 4 30 if ($strict and $upstream_is_blamed) { }
0 30 elsif (@topic_targets > 1) { }
3 27 elsif (@topic_targets == 0) { }
146 0 4 if $verbose
149 0 0 if $verbose
152 0 3 if $verbose
155 0 27 if ($verbose)
175 0 15 if grep {not defined $_;} $hunk, $blame, $summary_for
178 15 0 wantarray ? :
192 0 22 if (grep {not defined $_;} $hunk, $blame, $summary_for, $strict)
203 17 39 if (startswith($line, '-')) { }
18 21 elsif (startswith($line, '+')) { }
208 17 1 if ($di > 0 and defined $$blame{$bi - 1})
211 5 13 if (defined $blame->{$bi})
222 14 4 if ($is_surrounded or $strict < $SURROUNDED and $is_adjacent)
231 22 0 wantarray ? :
247 38 22 if ($first eq '-' or $first eq ' ')
262 0 0 if (grep {not defined $_;} $fh, $hunk, $summary_for, $blame, $blame_indexes)
270 0 0 defined $blame->{$bi} ? :
272 0 0 defined $sha ? :
274 0 0 if (startswith($line_r, '+'))
278 0 0 if (defined $sha and not defined $summary_for->{$sha})
284 0 0 if (defined $blame->{$bi} and not startswith($line_r, '+'))
310 1 33 if ($hunk->{'count'} == 0)
320 0 33 unless open my $fh, '-|', @cmd
322 54 486 if ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40}) \d+ (\d+)/)
325 54 486 if (startswith($line, "\t"))
326 3 51 if (defined $alias_for->{$sha})
332 0 33 unless close $fh
339 0 34 unless open my $fh, '-|', @cmd
341 0 34 unless close $fh
342 0 34 wantarray ? :
347 0 22 unless open my $fh, '|-', 'git apply --unidiff-zero --cached -'
356 0 22 unless close $fh
357 0 22 unless system('git', 'commit', "--fixup=$sha") == 0
362 0 34 unless open my $fh, '-|', 'git status --porcelain'
365 0 39 if ($line =~ /^[^?! ]/)
370 0 34 unless close $fh
380 0 34 if (grep {not defined $_;} $hunks, $blame_for, $summary_for, $strict)
387 0 34 if ($verbose > 1)
402 7 27 unless $sha
418 11 22 if @ordered >= $nsha
421 23 5 if $_->{'file'} eq $tgt->{'file'}
22 1 if (grep {$_->{'start'} == $tgt->{'start'} if $_->{'file'} eq $tgt->{'file'};} @{$sha_hunks;})
437 0 34 unless &GetOptions('h', \$help, 'help', \$man, 'version', \$show_version, 'verbose|v+', \$verbose, 'strict|s=i', \$strict, 'context|c=i', \$num_context_lines)
445 0 34 if ($help)
449 0 34 if ($show_version)
453 0 34 if ($man)
457 0 34 unless @ARGV == 1
460 0 34 unless $? == 0
462 0 34 if ($num_context_lines < 0)
466 0 34 if ($strict < 0) { }
0 49 elsif ($strict > 0 and $num_context_lines == 0) { }
475 0 34 unless $? == 0
476 0 34 unless chdir $toplevel
478 0 34 if (is_index_dirty())