Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
60 0 0 unless defined $this->{'range'}
61 0 0 if $this->{'range'} < 2 or $this->{'range'} > 4
65 0 0 unless defined $this->{'amount_of_facts_per_session'}
67 0 0 if $this->{'amount_of_facts_per_session'} < 1
104 0 0 if ($r->{$i} == $na and $r->{$j} != $nb or $r->{$i} != $na and $r->{$j} == $nb)
191 0 0 if ($t1 ne $t2)
302 0 0 if ($this->{'debug'}) { }
323 0 0 if $this->{'debug'}
337 0 0 if ($f->{'a'} == $current_wizard) { }
377 0 0 if ($f->{'a'} == $current_wizard) { }
418 0 0 if ($f->{'first'} == 0) { }
440 0 0 if ($f->{'value'}) { }
461 0 0 if (@unknown_facts)
470 0 0 if (@result_without_this_fact > @result_with_this_fact) { }
509 0 0 unless ($f)
515 0 0 unless ($introduction)
526 0 0 if (defined $amount_of_results_with_this_fact and $amount_of_results_with_this_fact == 1)
555 0 0 if not defined $recent_wizard or $current_wizard != $recent_wizard
566 0 0 if (defined $amount_of_results and $amount_of_results == 1)
649 0 0 unless (grep {ref $_ eq ref $z;} @{$$this{'variable'};})
669 0 0 if ($r == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($r == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($r == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($r == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($r == 4) { }
702 0 0 if ($r->{$i} == $record->{$i})
726 0 0 if $this->get_variable_number_i_has_appropriate_value($j, $record)