Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 50 0.0

line true false branch
87 0 0 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($self, 'App::File::Grepper')
93 0 0 if ($opts->{'edit-with-emacs'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opts->{'edit-with-vi'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opts->{'view'}) { }
106 0 0 defined $opts->{'ignorecase'} ? :
110 0 0 $ignorecase ? :
0 0 $pat =~ m[^/(.*)] ? :
115 0 0 !$edit && -t STDOUT ? :
118 0 0 if (defined $opts->{'filter'})
123 0 0 if (defined $opts->{'exclude'})
133 0 0 if (-d $_ and $_ =~ /^(RCS|CVS|\.svn|\.git|\.hg)$/)
139 0 0 unless -f $_
142 0 0 if $exclude and $_ =~ /$exclude/
143 0 0 if $filter and not $_ =~ /$filter/
148 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
151 0 0 unless (-T $fh)
152 0 0 if $opts->{'verbose'}
162 0 0 unless eval { do { $_ = &decode('UTF-8', $_, 1) } }
167 0 0 unless s/^(.*?)($pat)/"$1" . hilite($2);/eg
169 0 0 if ($edit eq 'vi') { }
0 0 elsif ($edit eq 'emacs') { }
0 0 elsif ($edit eq 'view') { }
170 0 0 $ignorecase ? :
181 0 0 $ignorecase ? :
186 0 0 if $edit