Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 3 28 10.7

line true false branch
276 0 0 if (blessed $edited_fetchwarefile and $edited_fetchwarefile->isa('App::Fetchware::Fetchwarefile')) { }
337 0 0 if ($term->ask_yn('print_me', "By default, HTMLPageSync deletes your destination_directory when you uninstall\nthat destination_directory's assocated Fetchware package or Fetchwarefile. This\nis done, because your deleting the Fetchware package, so it makes sense to\ndelete that package's associated data.\n\nIf you wish to keep your destination_directory after you uninstall this\nHTMLPageSync Fetchware package, then answer N below.\n", 'prompt', 'Is deleting your destination_directory on uninstall OK? ', 'default', 'y'))
403 0 0 if (defined config('user_agent')) { }
419 0 0 if (config('html_treebuilder_callback')) { }
434 0 0 if (defined $link)
436 0 0 if ($link =~ /\.(jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|tiff?|gif)$/) { }
462 0 0 if (config('download_links_callback')) { }
505 0 0 unless ($download_url =~ m[^(ftp|http|file)://])
530 0 0 if (defined config('user_agent')) { }
603 0 0 unless cp($file_path, config('destination_directory'))
623 1 0 if (not config('keep_destination_directory')) { }
635 0 1 unless chdir $build_path
641 0 1 if (defined config('destination_directory')) { }
692 0 0 if (@new_urls_to_download > 0) { }