Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 21 57.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
103 8 0 1 exists $$self{'config_options_value'}{$config_key} and defined $$self{'config_options_value'}{$config_key}
8 0 1 exists $$self{'config_options_value'}{$config_key} and defined $$self{'config_options_value'}{$config_key} and ref $$self{'config_options_value'}{$config_key} eq ''
168 1 0 0 defined $1 and $1 eq "\n"
169 1 0 0 defined $2 and $2 eq "\n"
212 3 0 1 exists $description_seen{$option_key} && defined $description_seen{$option_key} && $description_seen{$option_key} > 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
23 8 0 1 exists $options{'header'} || defined $options{'header'}
45 6 0 1 exists $options{'descriptions'} or defined $options{'descriptions'}