Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 138 206 66.9

line true false branch
22 0 24 unless @_
23 12 12 unless @_ > 1
30 1637 375046 if &$f()
38 1529 384264 unless &$f()
47 13816 0 defined $_ ? :
54 12 7 if &$f()
66 5 0 if (@fields >= 1)
80 0 115 if @lines % 2
93 376 173 if ($want_full or not defined $info_ref->{'name'}) { }
109 0 10 if @lines % 2
133 0 9 if @lines % 2
158 0 6 if @lines != 3
164 3 3 if ($query_strand eq '-')
165 1 2 if (defined $length_of and ref $length_of eq 'HASH')
166 1 0 if (exists $length_of->{$second_chr})
198 0 4 unless @lines > 0
206 0 16 unless defined $chr_name
213 4 12 if ($strand eq '-')
261 2271 75906 if ($base eq '-') { }
262 536 1735 if ($offset == 0)
268 524 75382 if ($offset != 0)
275 12 196 if ($offset != 0)
303 0 0 if ($aln_bin =~ /clus/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($aln_bin =~ /musc/iu) { }
0 0 elsif ($aln_bin =~ /maff/iu) { }
306 0 0 if (IPC::Cmd::can_run($e))
315 0 0 if (IPC::Cmd::can_run($e))
324 0 0 if (IPC::Cmd::can_run($e))
331 0 0 unless (defined $bin)
354 0 0 if ($aln_bin eq 'clustalw') { }
0 0 elsif ($aln_bin eq 'muscle') { }
0 0 elsif ($aln_bin eq 'mafft') { }
374 0 0 unless ($ok)
386 0 0 if ($aln_bin eq 'clustalw')
403 0 0 unless (defined $aln_prog)
406 0 0 unless (defined $indel_pad)
409 0 0 unless (defined $indel_fill)
458 0 10 unless $seq_length
469 4 524 if (&all(sub { $_ eq '-'; } , @bases))
498 0 11 if $seq_count < 3
513 15 8 if ($intersect_set->superset($span))
549 0 6 if $seq_count < 3
576 3 1 if ($sub_union_set->superset("$seg_start-$seg_end"))
598 0 5 if ($sub_union_set->larger_than($sub_out_set))
619 0 8 if ($line eq '' or substr($line, 0, 1) eq ' ') { }
0 8 elsif (substr($line, 0, 1) eq '#') { }
4 4 elsif (substr($line, 0, 1) eq '>') { }
662 0 17 if ($four_count == 0) { }
678 0 60 if ($seq_count != 2)
690 4858 85 if ($base0 =~ /[atcg]/iu and $base1 =~ /[atcg]/iu)
694 915 3943 if ($base0 ne $base1)
700 0 60 if ($comparable_bases == 0) { }
715 0 7 if ($seq_count != 3)
722 0 7 if $length == 0
728 8 62 if ($base0 ne $base1)
729 7 1 if ($base0 =~ /[atcg]/iu and $base1 =~ /[atcg]/iu and $base_og =~ /[atcg]/iu) { }
733 3 4 if ($base1 eq $base_og) { }
3 1 elsif ($base0 eq $base_og) { }
760 0 11 if ($seq_count < 2)
776 725 21 if (&all(sub { $_ =~ /[agct]/iu; } , @bases)) { }
20 1 elsif (&any(sub { $_ eq '-'; } , @bases)) { }
778 514 211 if (&all(sub { $_ eq $bases[0]; } , @bases)) { }
792 0 11 if ($comparable_bases == 0)
828 39884 773 if (&all(sub { $_ =~ /[agct]/iu; } , @bases))
829 1617 38267 if (&any(sub { $_ ne $bases[0]; } , @bases))
848 0 1617 if (scalar @class < 2) { }
84 1533 elsif (scalar @class > 2) { }
859 3619 6843 if ($target_base ne $_) { }
901 188 383 if ($_ eq $nt)
903 394 188 unless ($class_bool)
910 0 195 if (scalar @class < 2) { }
191 4 elsif (scalar @class == 2) { }
915 255 315 if ($nt eq $outgroup_base) { }
932 28 167 if ($snp_occured eq '1' x length($snp_occured))
979 0 52 if (scalar @uniq_indel_seqs < 2) { }
14 38 elsif (scalar @uniq_indel_seqs > 2) { }
0 38 elsif ($indel_seq =~ /-/u) { }
994 27 11 if ($indel_seqs[0] eq $indel_seq) { }
1004 14 38 if ($indel_type eq 'C') { }
1012 84 54 if ($indel_seqs[0] eq $_) { }
1066 0 5 if (scalar @uniq_indel_seqs < 2) { }
1 4 elsif (scalar @uniq_indel_seqs > 2) { }
0 4 elsif ($indel_seq =~ /-/u) { }
1077 0 4 if (not $indel_outgroup_seq =~ /\-/u and $indel_seq ne $indel_outgroup_seq) { }
3 1 elsif ($outgroup_indel_set->intersect($indel_set)->is_not_empty) { }
1 0 elsif ($outgroup_indel_set->intersect($indel_set)->is_empty) { }
1093 2 1 if ($island->equal($indel_set)) { }
1124 2 3 if ($indel_type eq 'C') { }
1130 3 5 if ($seq eq $indel_outgroup_seq) { }
1158 0 8 if ($pos < $chr_start or $pos > $chr_end)
1163 5 3 if ($chr_strand eq '+') { }
1184 0 734 if ($pos < 1)
1189 728 6 if ($intspan->contains($pos)) { }
2 4 elsif ($pos < $intspan->min) { }
2 2 elsif ($pos > $intspan->max) { }
1202 2 2 if ($spans[$i][1] < $pos) { }
1213 727 7 if ($chr_strand eq '+') { }
1229 0 9 if ($size != length $strB)
1235 0 18 if (/[^10]/u)
1249 0 9 if (&any(sub { $_ == 0; } , $fA, $fa, $fB, $fb))
1258 23 47 if ($ichar eq '1' and $schar eq '1')
1269 1 8 if ($DAB < 0) { }
1310 0 0 unless ($ok)