Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 3 127 2.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
144 4 0 0 defined $opt_ref and XXX
345 0 0 0 length $exec and -x $exec
406 0 0 0 $resp->code == 500 and $resp->message eq "Server closed connection without sending any data back"
412 0 0 0 $ver->{'distribution'} and $ver->{'distribution'} eq "opensearch"
507 0 0 0 not defined $instance and defined $CLUSTER_MASTER
515 0 0 0 defined $cluster and $cluster->{'master_node'}
517 0 0 0 $local->{'nodes'} and $local->{'nodes'}{$cluster->{'master_node'}}
553 0 0 0 $url =~ /^_(cat|stats)/u and $index
567 0 0 0 $url eq '_search' && $options->{'method'} eq 'POST'
571 0 0 0 not $DEF{'NOOP'} and $DEF{'MASTERONLY'}
579 0 0 0 $DEF{'MASTERONLY'} && !es_master()
597 0 0 0 defined $resp->content && (XXX || length $resp->content)
674 0 0 0 !exists $args{'_all'} && defined $DEF{'BASE'}
677 0 0 0 not exists $args{'_all'} and $args{'check_state'}
0 0 0 not exists $args{'_all'} and $args{'check_state'} and $args{'state'} eq "open"
701 0 0 0 $args{'state'} ne "all" and $args{'check_state'}
710 0 0 0 $args{'older'} and defined $DEF{'DAYS'}
0 0 0 $args{'check_dates'} and defined $DEF{'DAYS'}
718 0 0 0 $DEF{'DAYS'} >= 0 and $days_old >= $DEF{'DAYS'}
767 0 0 34 defined $stripped and length $stripped
831 0 0 0 defined $result and XXX
843 0 0 0 defined $index and length $index
908 0 0 0 exists $ref->{'properties'} and XXX
909 0 0 0 $ref->{'type'} and $ref->{'type'} eq "nested"
919 0 0 0 exists $ref->{'fields'} and XXX
988 0 0 0 defined $index and length $index
0 0 0 defined $index and length $index and es_index_valid($index)
1058 0 0 0 $size > 1000 and @units
1073 0 0 0 $size > 1024 and @units
1103 0 0 0 exists $meta->{$check} and exists $meta->{$check}{$key}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
534 0 0 $options->{'method'} ||= "GET"
611 0 0 $msg || 'missing error message'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
181 0 4 0 $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config"
295 0 0 0 $host ||= $DEF{'HOST'}
324 0 0 0 $auth{'username'} ||= $meta{'http-username'} ? $meta{'http-username'} : (defined $DEF{'USERNAME'} ? $DEF{'USERNAME'} : (defined $netrc ? $netrc->login : $ENV{'USER'}))
329 0 0 0 es_pass_exec($host, $auth{'username'}, $meta{'password-exec'}) || prompt(sprintf(q[Password for '%s' at '%s': ], $auth{'username'}, $host))
0 0 0 $auth{'password'} ||= defined $netrc ? $netrc->password : es_pass_exec($host, $auth{'username'}, $meta{'password-exec'}) || prompt(sprintf(q[Password for '%s' at '%s': ], $auth{'username'}, $host))
344 0 0 0 $exec ||= $DEF{'PASSEXEC'}
353 0 0 0 @err or $rc != 0
440 0 0 0 not defined $CURRENT_VERSION or $CURRENT_VERSION <= 2
476 0 0 0 $p ||= $conn{'port'}
499 0 0 0 $ES ||= "App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Connection"->new(%conn)
712 0 0 0 not defined $days_old or $days_old < $DEF{'DAYS'}