Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 50 52.0

line true false branch
102 0 0 unless $agg
103 0 0 unless exists $Aggregations{$agg}
104 0 0 unless exists $Aggregations{$agg}{'single_stat'}
114 1 3 $def =~ s/^(\w+)=//u ? :
116 1 3 if (@parts == 1)
122 0 3 if (exists $Aggregations{$parts[0]}) { }
133 2 1 if ($paramStr and $paramStr =~ /\w+=/u) { }
1 0 elsif (exists $Aggregations{$agg}{'params'}) { }
137 0 2 unless $k and $v
138 0 2 $v =~ /,/u ? :
145 2 0 $agg eq 'terms' ? :
167 0 4 if ($hash->{'value_as_string'}) { }
0 4 elsif ($hash->{'value'}) { }
0 4 elsif ($hash->{'values'}) { }
176 0 0 if $hash->{'values'}{$k}
181 4 0 if $k eq "buckets"
183 0 0 if defined $hash->{'values'}{$k}
188 4 3 if ($field) { }
190 4 0 if ($result->{'key'} and exists $result->{'doc_count'})
194 1 3 if $ks
199 1 0 if (ref $result->{$k} eq "HASH")
202 1 0 if (my $buckets = delete $result->{$k}{'buckets'})
207 1 3 if (keys %buckets) { }
209 1 0 if (@{$buckets{$k};}) { }
228 3 0 if ($buckets and @{$buckets;}) { }