Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 18 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
175 0 0 0 $status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND'
0 0 0 $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'
186 0 0 0 $status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND'
0 0 0 $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
175 0 0 0 $status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND' or $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'
186 0 0 0 $status->ok and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_RECORDS_FOUND' or $status->level eq 'NOTICE' and $status->code eq 'DISPATCH_NO_RECORDS_FOUND'