Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 32 50.0

line true false branch
155 3 4 unless ($dm)
170 2420 4628 unless (exists $subtree->{$token})
198 0 789 unless defined $cmd and $cmd =~ /\S/u
201 789 0 if (my $coderef = $$App::Dochazka::CLI::CommandMap::dispatch_map{uc $cmd})
258 0 21135 unless ($re)
265 2930 18205 if ($match)
284 446 353 unless exists $th->{'_REST'}
293 0 2930 if (exists $th->{$key}) { }
301 0 0 unless exists $th->{$safe_key}
323 3 3291 unless defined $semantic_tree and %$semantic_tree
327 5813 1 if (my $subtree = $$pointer{$ts->[$i]}) { }
350 0 0 if ($App::Dochazka::CLI::Parser::debug_mode)
354 0 0 unless (@{$r->{'ts'};})
359 0 0 if (ref $cmdspec eq 'CODE')
361 0 0 if (ref $rv eq 'ARRAY') { }
364 0 0 if (ref $status eq 'App::CELL::Status') { }