Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 40 77.5

line true false branch
108 0 86 unless $name
109 5 81 if (&any(sub { $name =~ /$_/u; } , @DIST_IGNORE))
113 30 51 if -d $_
134 0 3 unless (defined $gzip_file)
166 1 2 unless (&any(sub { / [.]tar [.]xz \z /msux; } , @files))
192 0 3 unless move($source_file, $dest_path)
210 8 4 if ($command_ref->[0] ne 'perl')
239 4 3 if ($args_ref->{'metadata'})
246 0 7 if (not defined $distdir) { }
0 7 elsif (not -d $distdir) { }
302 4 5 if (defined $self->{'perl'})
308 1 1 if ($type eq 'Autoconf' and $self->{'config'}{'build'}{'cplusplus'})
321 1 1 if ($type eq 'Autoconf' and $self->{'config'}{'build'}{'valgrind'})
341 0 3 unless my $source = getcwd()
349 1 2 if (-d $prefix)
357 0 3 unless run(\@git, '|', \@tar)
380 2 1 if (@missing)
381 0 2 unless print "Files found in local tree but not in distribution:\n"
383 0 2 unless print ' ' . join("\n ", @missing) . "\n"
386 1 1 $count == 1 ? :