Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 262 0.0

line true false branch
236 0 0 unless defined $dir
253 0 0 -e $props{'file_manifest'} && -s $props{'file_manifest'} ? :
256 0 0 -e $props{'file_manidel'} && -s $props{'file_manidel'} ? :
259 0 0 -e $props{'file_mirrors'} && -s $props{'file_mirrors'} ? :
270 0 0 if ($to and $to =~ /^[0-9]{1,11}$/) { }
284 0 0 unless touch($self->{'file_maniskip'})
285 0 0 if (-e $self->{'file_maniskip'} and -z $self->{'file_maniskip'})
286 0 0 unless open FILE, '>', $self->{'file_maniskip'}
337 0 0 unless touch($self->{'file_manidel'})
338 0 0 if (-e $self->{'file_manidel'} and -z $self->{'file_manidel'})
339 0 0 unless open FILE, '>', $self->{'file_manidel'}
359 0 0 unless touch($self->{'file_mirrors'})
360 0 0 if (-e $self->{'file_mirrors'} and -z $self->{'file_mirrors'})
361 0 0 unless open FILE, '>', $self->{'file_mirrors'}
379 0 0 unless touch($self->{'file_readme'})
380 0 0 if (-e $self->{'file_readme'} and -z $self->{'file_readme'})
381 0 0 unless open FILE, '>', $self->{'file_readme'}
401 0 0 if ref $self->{'maniskip'} eq 'HASH'
409 0 0 if ($dellist and ref $dellist eq 'HASH')
413 0 0 if $dt > $expire
417 0 0 unless $expire > 0
421 0 0 if ($deltime and time - $deltime > $expire) { }
425 0 0 if (_skipcheck(\%skips, $k)) { }
429 0 0 if (-e $f) { }
441 0 0 if ($deltime) { }
454 0 0 if ref $dellist eq 'HASH'
466 0 0 if ref $mirror_list eq 'HASH'
467 0 0 if (@mirrors) { }
474 0 0 if ($fetch_lock->{'status'})
475 0 0 if ($self->_check_lock($self->{'file_manitemp'})) { }
488 0 0 if ($fetch_meta->{'status'})
490 0 0 if ($remote_meta and ref $remote_meta eq 'ARRAY' || ref $remote_meta eq 'YAML::Tiny') { }
0 0 elsif ($remote_meta and ref $remote_meta eq 'HASH') { }
500 0 0 if ($remote_meta and $remote_meta->{'status'}) { }
503 0 0 time - $remote_date > _expire('+1d') ? :
510 0 0 defined $remote_meta->{'date'} ? :
0 0 $remote_date ? :
0 0 $remote_ok ? :
514 0 0 unless ($remote_ok)
515 0 0 $remote_date ? :
529 0 0 if ($fetch_mani->{'status'}) { }
537 0 0 if ($mtmp{$k}) { }
540 0 0 if $mt_l and $mt_r and $mt_l == $mt_r
560 0 0 unless $mtmp{$k} and $mtmp{$k} == 1
561 0 0 if ($local_manifest->{$k} and $remote_manifest->{$k}) { }
0 0 elsif ($local_manifest->{$k}) { }
0 0 elsif ($remote_manifest->{$k}) { }
564 0 0 if ($mt_l > $mt_r and $mt_l - $mt_r > _expire('+1m'))
566 0 0 if ($mt_l < $mt_r and $mt_r - $mt_l > _expire('+1m')) { }
572 0 0 unless (_skipcheck(\%skips, $k))
589 0 0 unless (_skipcheck(\%skips, $k))
615 0 0 if ($fetch_mirr->{'status'} and -z $self->{'file_mirrors'} || $fetch_mirr->{'mtime'} > $self->{'mtime_mirrors'})
620 0 0 if ($mcnt and $mcnt > 1) { }
637 0 0 if ($fetch_dir->{'status'})
641 0 0 unless (_skipcheck(\%skips, $k))
642 0 0 $delete_list{$k} ? :
660 0 0 if (-e $f) { }
677 0 0 if ($list and ref $list eq 'ARRAY') { }
682 0 0 if $dwldd
686 0 0 unless ($url)
690 0 0 unless ($size)
694 0 0 unless ($mt_r or not $mt_l)
698 0 0 if ($mt_l >= $mt_r)
706 0 0 if ($fetch_file->{'status'}) { }
708 0 0 if ($size_fact and $size_fact == $size) { }
719 0 0 $fetch_file->{'code'} ? :
726 0 0 if ($dwldd) { }
740 0 0 if ($mkerr and ref $mkerr eq 'ARRAY' and @$mkerr)
742 0 0 unless $e and ref $e eq 'HASH'
754 0 0 unless (mv($src, $dst))
759 0 0 unless $skipped
776 0 0 if $nskip
777 0 0 $nskip ? :
783 0 0 unless maniwrite($self->{'file_manifest'}, $new_manifest)
798 0 0 unless write_yaml($self->{'file_meta'}, $new_meta)
805 0 0 unless $file and -e $file
808 0 0 unless (open RD_LOCK_FILE, '<', $file)
814 0 0 unless defined $l
815 0 0 unless (close RD_LOCK_FILE)
821 0 0 if ($r_pid and $r_pid =~ /^[0-9]{1,11}$/ and kill 0, $r_pid)
822 0 0 if $self->{'pid'} == $r_pid
829 0 0 @_ ? :
0 0 if $DEBUG
834 0 0 unless defined $file
836 0 0 unless (open FILE, '>>', $file)
840 0 0 unless (close FILE)
845 0 0 unless (utime $t, $t, $file)
853 0 0 unless defined $file and -e $file
854 0 0 unless (unlink $file)
862 0 0 unless defined $file
863 0 0 unless -e $file and -r $file
866 0 0 unless $data
872 0 0 unless defined $file
873 0 0 unless defined $data
884 0 0 unless defined $mfile and -e $mfile and -r $mfile and -s $mfile
886 0 0 unless (open M, '<', $mfile)
893 0 0 if /^\s*#/
896 0 0 if ($skipflag and $_ =~ m[^\s*\!\!perl/regexp\s*]i) { }
905 0 0 unless (($file, $args) = /^'(\\[\\']|.+)+'\s*(.*)/)
911 0 0 if (($file, $args) = /^'(\\[\\']|.+)+'\s*(.*)/) { }
917 0 0 unless $file
918 0 0 defined $args ? :
925 0 0 unless defined $dir and -e $dir
935 0 0 if -d $_
961 0 0 unless defined $file
962 0 0 unless defined $mani and ref $mani eq 'HASH'
968 0 0 unless (open M, '>', $file)
985 0 0 $d->{'mtime'} ? :
988 0 0 if $tabs < 1
989 0 0 unless $text
990 0 0 if ($f =~ /\s/)
1017 0 0 defined $obj ? :
1022 0 0 unless (defined $file)
1029 0 0 defined $content_type ? :
0 0 defined $document_length ? :
0 0 defined $modified_time ? :
0 0 defined $server ? :
1041 0 0 if ($document_length) { }
1046 0 0 if ($modified_time) { }
1057 0 0 if ($code >= 200 and $code < 400)
1058 0 0 if (-e $file and -s $file)
1068 0 0 unless defined $str
1069 0 0 if $str =~ /^[-+]?(\d+)$/
1082 0 0 unless (defined $koef and defined $d)
1097 0 0 unless defined $node
1098 0 0 unless $node =~ m[^\s*\!\!perl/regexp\s*]i
1100 0 0 unless $node =~ /^\(\?([\^\-xism]*):(.*)\)\z/s
1110 0 0 unless $sl and defined $st and ref $sl eq 'HASH'
1111 0 0 if exists $sl->{$st} and defined $sl->{$st}
1114 0 0 if ref $_ eq 'Regexp'
0 0 if (grep {$st =~ /$_/ if ref $_ eq 'Regexp';} values %$sl)