Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 47 64 73.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
298 1 0 4 @$execute_stack and scalar grep({$_->{'type'} eq 'deploy' if $_->{'action'} eq $action;} @$execute_stack)
340 0 0 3 @$execute_stack and scalar grep({$_->{'type'} eq 'revert' if $_->{'action'} eq $action;} @$execute_stack)
546 122 35 0 $a and $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u
18 110 29 $b and $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u
549 0 0 17 $a and $b
635 2 19 9 defined $nodes[0] and $nodes[0] eq '.dest'
681 16 1 2 $state->{$action}{'deployed'} and not $redeploy

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
84 1 0 $dir //= ''
149 1 1 $ext //= ''
236 2 1 $a ||= ''
237 2 1 $b ||= ''
364 0 18 $App::Dest::b->{'modified'} || 0
2 16 $App::Dest::a->{'modified'} || 0
402 0 1 $__PACKAGE__::VERSION || 0
441 129 2 $dir || '.'
455 0 449 $self->{'dir_depth'} || 0
449 0 $dir || '.'
618 14 11 $seen_action //= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
239 0 0 3 $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u
0 2 1 $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or not -f $a
2 0 1 $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or not -f $a or not -f $b
370 1 1 12 $_->{'modified'} or $_->{'deployed'}
478 258 3 0 not defined $filter or index($action, $filter) > -1
546 0 45 112 $a and $a =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u or $b and $b =~ m[/dest.wrap$]u
684 8 1 1 $state->{$action}{'deployed'} or $state->{$action}{'modified'}