Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 36 75.0

line true false branch
20 1 7 unless $data{'src'}
21 1 3 unless ($data{'check'} or $data{'name'})
26 0 6 if ($data{'dst'} and -d $data{'dst'}) { }
3 3 elsif (-d $data{'src'}) { }
37 3 3 if (-d $data{'src'}) { }
47 3 3 if ($data{'check'}) { }
59 3 0 unless (-d $dst)
60 0 3 unless mkdir $dst
73 0 5 if ($data->{'remove'})
84 1 2 if (not $data->{'force'} and $cp || $cr)
85 1 0 if $cp
86 1 0 if $cr
93 0 4 if $data->{'email'}
108 0 4 unless $et->GetValue('Copyright')
111 0 4 unless $et->GetValue('Creator')
127 3 1 unless $cp
128 3 1 unless $cr
130 3 1 if $err_str