Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 54 29.6

line true false branch
86 0 1 defined $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} ? :
89 0 1 if (defined $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'})
96 0 1 if not $lang and $ualang
185 0 0 if (defined $$self{'supports'}{$capability})
189 0 0 if ($capability eq 'http.header.accept-encoding.x-gzip')
193 0 0 $accept_header =~ /gzip/ ? :
199 0 0 if ($capability =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.]+)$/) { }
291 0 1 if ($http_user_agent =~ m[MSIE[ \+/]*([0-9][\.0-9]*)]) { }
0 1 elsif ($http_user_agent =~ m[Gecko[ \+/]*([0-9][\.0-9]*)]) { }
0 1 elsif ($http_user_agent =~ m[Opera[ \+/]*([0-9][\.0-9]*)]) { }
0 1 elsif ($http_user_agent =~ m[Konqueror[ \+/]*([0-9][\.0-9]*)]) { }
0 1 elsif ($http_user_agent =~ m[Mozilla[ \+/]*([0-9][\.0-9]*)]) { }
322 0 1 if ($ua =~ /Win/)
323 0 0 if ($ua =~ /Win16/) { }
0 0 elsif ($ua =~ /Win32/) { }
0 0 elsif ($ua =~ /Win(9[58x])/) { }
0 0 elsif ($ua =~ /Win(NT *[SP0-9. ]*)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($ua =~ m[Windows *([239MCX][A-Z0-9. /]*)]) { }
346 1 0 if ($ostype eq 'unknown')
347 0 1 if ($ua =~ /Linux/) { }
0 1 elsif ($ua =~ /X11/) { }
349 0 0 if ($ua =~ /Linux +([0-9][0-9\.a-z-]*) +([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($ua =~ /Linux +([0-9][0-9\.a-z-]*)/) { }
363 0 1 if ($http_user_agent =~ /MSIE[ \+]?([0-9][\.0-9]*)/)
371 0 1 if ($http_user_agent =~ /\[([a-zA-Z]{2})\]/) { }
0 1 elsif ($http_user_agent =~ /\[([a-zA-Z]{2}[-_][a-zA-Z]{2})\]/) { }
426 0 1 if ($uatype eq 'NS' and $uaver <= 4.7) { }