Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 99 4.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
95 1 0 0 $debug_request eq 'record' && !$replay
141 0 1 0 defined $options and defined $$options{'cgi'}
260 0 0 0 $App::DEBUG and $context->dbg(1)
274 0 0 0 $path_info and $app
335 0 0 0 not $method and $request_method eq 'POST'
0 0 0 not $method and $request_method eq 'POST' and $$cgi{'POSTDATA'}
0 0 0 not $method and $request_method eq 'POST' and $$cgi{'POSTDATA'} and ref $$cgi{'POSTDATA'} eq 'ARRAY'
0 0 0 not $method and $request_method eq 'POST' and $$cgi{'POSTDATA'} and ref $$cgi{'POSTDATA'} eq 'ARRAY' and $#{$$cgi{'POSTDATA'};} > -1
343 0 0 0 $init_args and $$options{'open_widget_urls'}
350 0 0 0 $service and $name
0 0 0 $service and $name and $method
0 0 0 $service and $name
352 0 0 0 defined $args and not ref $args
378 0 0 0 $permissions and $$permissions{$method}
384 0 0 0 $permissions and $$permissions{'view'}
440 0 0 0 $App::DEBUG and $context->dbg(1)
471 0 0 0 $App::DEBUG and $context->dbg(1)
522 0 0 0 $App::DEBUG and $context->dbg(1)
577 0 0 0 $App::DEBUG and $context->dbg(1)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
93 0 1 $$options{'debug_request'} || ''
267 0 0 $cgi->request_method || 'GET'
638 0 0 $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} || 'guest'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
94 0 0 1 $debug_request eq 'replay' || $$options{'replay'}
102 0 0 0 $$options{'replay_env'} || "$app.env"
135 0 0 0 $$options{'replay_vars'} || "$app.vars"
269 0 0 0 $request_method eq 'GET' or $request_method eq 'POST'
358 0 0 0 $cgi->param('argstype') || $self->get_returntype
378 0 0 0 $$options{'open_widget_urls'} or $permissions and $$permissions{$method}
384 0 0 0 $$options{'open_widget_urls'} or $permissions and $$permissions{'view'}
443 0 0 0 $var eq 'service' or $var eq 'name'
0 0 0 $var eq 'service' or $var eq 'name' or $var eq 'init_args'
0 0 0 $var eq 'service' or $var eq 'name' or $var eq 'init_args' or $var eq 'method'
0 0 0 $var eq 'service' or $var eq 'name' or $var eq 'init_args' or $var eq 'method' or $var eq 'args'
0 0 0 $var eq 'service' or $var eq 'name' or $var eq 'init_args' or $var eq 'method' or $var eq 'args' or $var eq 'returntype'