Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 31 46 67.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
222 1 3 1 not $pattern and $self->{'owners'}
226 30 8 6 $pattern and $line->{'pattern'}
8 1 5 $pattern and $line->{'pattern'} and $pattern ne $line->{'pattern'}
241 1 1 0 not $owner and $self->{'patterns'}
245 14 2 12 $owner and not grep({$_ eq $owner;} @{[] unless $line->{'owners'};})
279 0 0 2 $pattern and $owners
302 0 0 1 $project and $owners
311 12 1 1 $line->{'project'} and $line->{'owners'}
325 0 0 0 $old_owner and $new_owner
348 0 0 1 $old_project and $new_project

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
70 5 0 $1 || undef
203 34 0 $_ || {}
11 5 $self->{'match_lines'} ||= [reverse(grep({+($_ || {})->{'pattern'};} @{$self->_lines;}))]
408 38 1 +(shift())->{'lines'} ||= []
409 8 0 +(shift())->{'unowned'} ||= {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
206 16 12 0 $line->{'matcher'} ||= build_gitignore_matcher([$line->{'pattern'}])
355 12 0 2 not exists $line->{'project'} or $old_project ne $line->{'project'}