Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 52 51.9

line true false branch
78 0 11 if ($opt->{'list'} or not $script_name)
81 0 0 unless $path->is_dir
84 0 0 $opt->{'list'} ? :
93 11 0 if ($script_name =~ m[/]u) { }
99 0 0 unless $path->is_dir
101 0 0 if $script->is_file
105 0 11 unless $script->is_file
160 2 30 if ($line =~ /^---\s*(\w+)$/u) { }
2 28 elsif ($line eq '---') { }
174 0 30 unless $key
176 24 6 unless $key eq "var"
185 0 6 if $@
224 0 11 unless $self->check_script_arguments($opt, $script_name)
230 0 11 if ($opt->{'cat'})
238 1 10 if ($content =~ /^#!/u or $content =~ /^use/mu)
241 0 1 unless $done
248 0 10 if ($opt->doc)
250 0 0 if $commit_msg
254 3 7 if (my(@missing) = sort(keys %{$$script_data{"missing"}}))
263 0 7 if ($opt->{'commit'})
268 0 7 if ($commit_msg and not $opt->{'no_commit'})
271 0 0 if $r
275 1 6 if $opt->{'verbose'}
281 0 7 unless ($inst->needs_save)
289 0 7 if ($commit_msg and not $opt->{'no_commit'})
307 2 4 unless defined $res