Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 52 71.1

line true false branch
18 2 43 unless ref $commands eq ref {}
19 1 42 unless keys %{$commands;}
20 1 41 unless $options and ref $options eq ref {}
26 0 41 if $$self{'config'}{'command_sort'} and 'CODE' eq ref $$self{'config'}{'command_sort'}
28 7 34 if (defined $config_file)
30 1 6 unless -f $config_file
34 32 8 unless ref $aliases eq ref {}
40 22 15 if ($$self{'_helper'})
62 3 46 unless (eval { do { $$self{'table'}->run($self, $cmd, @args); 1 } })
64 3 0 if (ref($ex) =~ /\AApp::CmdDispatch::Exception/) { }
86 3 0 if defined $$self{'_helper'}
98 0 19 unless (eval { do { $self->run('hint', $arg); 1 } })
99 0 0 if defined $$self{'_helper'}
112 0 19 unless (eval { do { $self->run('help', $arg); 1 } })
113 0 0 if defined $$self{'_helper'}
129 1 4 unless $line =~ /\S/
130 3 1 if $line eq 'quit'
155 6 0 $$conf{'_'} ? :
165 4 33 if (not defined $io) { }
0 33 elsif (not _is_valid_io_object($io)) { }
169 0 4 unless (eval { do { $io = 'App::CmdDispatch::IO'->new } })
172 0 4 unless defined $io
186 0 33 unless ref $io
195 17 23 unless $$self{'config'}{'default_commands'}
199 22 22 if ($def eq 'shell') { }
22 0 elsif ($def eq 'help') { }