Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 56 41.0

line true false branch
164 19 0 unless ($file)
228 19 4 unless ($self->getOption("no-pid-file") or $hot_reload)
230 4 15 unless ($pid)
231 0 4 if ($self->can_do_hot_reload) { }
233 0 0 if ($pid and kill 'USR2', $pid) { }
234 0 0 unless $self->getOption("no-warn")
251 15 4 unless ($self->getOption("no-fork") or $hot_reload)
253 0 15 if (not defined $child_pid) { }
7 8 elsif ($child_pid == 0) { }
258 0 7 if (not defined $grandchild_pid) { }
4 3 elsif ($grandchild_pid != 0) { }
261 4 0 if $pid
266 9 0 unless $pid and $_ == $pid->fileno
268 0 3 unless open STDIN, "<", "/dev/null" and open STDOUT, ">", "/dev/null" and open STDERR, ">", "/dev/null"
273 8 0 if $pid
278 7 0 unless $hot_reload
280 3 4 if $pid
298 0 7 if ($user or $group)
299 0 0 if ($> == 0) { }
301 0 0 if ($group)
302 0 0 unless $gid = getgrnam $group
304 0 0 if ($user)
305 0 0 unless $uid = getpwnam $user
307 0 0 if ($uid or $gid)
310 0 0 if ($gid)
313 0 0 if ($uid)
317 0 0 unless $self->getOption("no-warn")
334 6 0 unless $self->getOption("no-warn")