Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 7 88 7.9

line true false branch
149 0 0 unless $self and $self->{$k}
185 0 0 unless $fname and open my $fh, '<', $fname
196 0 0 unless $values =~ s/^((?$pulsStart)|(?$respStart))\W*//
200 0 0 $+{$_} ? :
213 0 0 if /(.*):\W+(.*)/
216 0 0 if eof and not /^6003$/
224 0 0 unless ($settings{"LogStart${timetyp}Time"} and $settings{"LogStop${timetyp}Time"})
239 0 0 if abs $newrate - $self->{'PhRate'} < 1e-05 and not $self->{'trustIdx'} =~ /All|Phys/i
246 0 0 if $self->{'VERB'}
252 0 0 unless $self->{'trustIdx'} =~ /All|Phys/i
294 0 0 unless -d $dicomdir
308 0 0 unless my(@v) = `$dcmcmd`
326 0 0 if $self->{'MRDiscardNum'}
333 0 0 if $#allvals > 0
355 0 0 if $self->{'VERB'}
360 0 0 unless $self->{'trustIdx'} =~ /All|MR/i
374 0 0 unless open my $JS, '<', $jsonfile
376 0 0 unless my $data = &decode_json(scalar do { local $/; readline $JS })
412 0 0 unless $outfile
415 0 0 if ($self->{'prefix'})
418 0 0 unless -d $bn
426 0 0 if $self->{'VERB'}
495 0 0 if $runtype and $runtype =~ /none/i
499 0 0 unless $self->{'dat'} and -e $self->{'dat'}{'resp'} and -e $self->{'dat'}{'resp'}
510 0 0 if $ENV{'MATLABBIN'}
525 0 0 unless $runtype =~ /matlab|McRetroTs/g
536 0 0 unless $runtype =~ /matlab|McRetroTs/i
550 0 0 if ($runtype =~ /matlab/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($runtype =~ /McRetroTs/i) { }
557 0 0 if ($runcmd)
564 0 0 if (not -e 'oba.slibase.1D') { }
568 0 0 unless mv('oba.slibase.1D', $outputname)
594 0 3 if $end <= $start
600 1 2 if abs $offby > $maxDiffSec
610 0 5 unless /^(?\d{2})(?\d{2})(?\d{2}\.\d+)$/ or /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T(?\d{2}):(?\d{2}):(?\d{2}\.\d+)$/
632 0 0 if $self->{'VERB'}
636 0 0 if $#pval < 0
645 0 0 unless $outname
646 0 0 if $#pvals < 1
648 0 0 unless open my $OH, '>', $outname
665 0 1 if $MRstart < $physStart
669 0 1 if $MRend > $physEnd
682 0 1 if $sIdxS != $sIdxE or $eIdxS != $eIdxE
707 0 0 if $s and $e