Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 64 0.0

line true false branch
30 0 0 unless $opts{'id'}
41 0 0 if $opts{'config_file'}
60 0 0 if ($@)
75 0 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^(GET|POST|PUT|DELETE)$/) { }
90 0 0 if ($uri =~ m[/$]o)
100 0 0 unless (-e "$filename.tmpl")
101 0 0 unless (-r "$filename.tmpl")
110 0 0 if (my $e = 'Exception::Class'->caught)
118 0 0 if ($self->is_get and not $$params{'ajax_mode'} and not $$params{'return'})
132 0 0 if (my $e = 'Exception::Class'->caught)
133 0 0 if ($e->isa('Apache::Voodoo::Exception::Application::Redirect')) { }
0 0 elsif ($e->isa('Apache::Voodoo::Exception::Application::RawData')) { }
0 0 elsif ($e->isa('Apache::Voodoo::Exception::Application::Unauthorized')) { }
0 0 elsif (not $e->isa('Apache::Voodoo::Exception::Application')) { }
138 0 0 if ref $e->headers eq 'HASH'
154 0 0 unless ($$self{'engine'}->is_devel_mode)
184 0 0 unless ($$self{'pwsdl'})
194 0 0 unless ($$self{'engine'}->_app->{'controllers'}{$uri})
199 0 0 if ($m eq 'Apache::Voodoo::Loader::Dynamic')
215 0 0 if ($@) { }
274 0 0 if ($_[0])
294 0 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^(get|post)$/)
324 0 0 if $_[0]
330 0 0 if $_[0]
358 0 0 if scalar @_
365 0 0 if scalar @_
372 0 0 if scalar @_
379 0 0 if scalar @_
397 0 0 if (scalar @_)
398 0 0 if (scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
413 0 0 if (ref $$self{'parameters'} eq 'HASH') { }
420 0 0 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH')