Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 76 42.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
41 2 0 20 $b && $b ne 'false' && $b ne 'off'
88 4 0 0 &blessed($uri) and $uri->isa("URI")
98 0 0 0 @_ && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
229 0 0 0 $self->serverVersion ge "1.4" and not $self->isa("Apache::Solr::JSON")
262 0 0 0 $fn and not ref $fn
350 45 2 43 defined $prefix and index($k, $prefix) != 0
354 89 0 1 $dv = $Apache::Solr::deprecated{$param} and $sv ge $dv
80 9 0 $iv = $Apache::Solr::introduced{$param} and $iv gt $sv
429 35 0 2 $p[0] eq 'f' && @p > 2
545 0 0 0 $wait and $retries

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
50 0 2 delete $args{'format'} || 'XML'
64 0 4 $args->{'server_version'} || '4.5'
65 0 4 $args->{'retry_wait'} // 5
66 0 4 $args->{'retry_max'} // 60
490 1 0 $args{'params'} || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
51 2 0 0 $format eq "XML" or $format eq "JSON"
69 0 4 0 $args->{'agent'} || $http_agent || 'LWP::UserAgent'->new('keep_alive', 1)
262 0 0 0 $p{''} ||= $fn
286 0 0 0 $ct ||= $mimetypes->mimeTypeOf($fn)
302 0 0 0 $params->{'core'} ||= $self->core
337 0 1 3 not $sub or index($sub, "Apache::Solr::") < 0
393 6 0 4 not ref $v or ref $v eq "SCALAR"
1 1 2 $k eq "literal" or $k eq "literals"
1 1 0 $k eq "fmap" or $k eq "boost"
2 0 0 $k eq "fmap" or $k eq "boost" or $k eq "resource"
434 13 2 0 not $per_field or $def->[0]
485 0 1 0 $args{'core'} || $self->core