Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 36 27.7

line true false branch
28 2 12 defined $${$sling;}{'Verbose'} ? :
75 0 0 $success ? :
85 1 7 defined $$authn{'Type'} ? :
90 0 7 if (defined $$authn{'BaseURL'} and defined $$authn{'Username'} and defined $$authn{'Password'})
94 0 0 if ($$authn{'Type'} eq 'basic') { }
96 0 0 unless ($success)
97 0 0 if ($$authn{'Verbose'} >= 1)
110 0 0 if ($$authn{'Verbose'} >= 1)
122 1 1 unless (defined $new_username)
125 1 0 unless (defined $new_password)
128 0 0 if (not $$authn{'Username'} =~ /^$new_username$/msx && $$authn{'Password'} =~ /^$new_password$/msx) { }
136 0 0 if (defined $type)
139 0 0 defined $check_basic ? :
140 0 0 if ($$authn{'Type'} eq 'basic') { }
141 0 0 if ($check_basic) { }
143 0 0 unless ($success)
171 0 0 if ($$authn{'Verbose'} >= 1)
186 1 13 if (defined $referer)