Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 118 44.9

line true false branch
32 2 0 unless $ENV{'MOD_PERL'}
35 0 0 $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} =~ /(?:1\.9|2\.\d)/ ? :
316 0 668 if (ref $p) { }
21 647 elsif (not $params{$p}) { }
328 0 21 if $params{$name}
344 383 0 ref $_ ? :
379 2 1 ref $p{'required'} ? :
385 3 0 ref $p{'optional'} ? :
408 2 0 ref $p{'required'} ? :
414 2 0 ref $p{'optional'} ? :
429 0 20 if ($self->{'use_cookie'} and not $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} || $self->{'header_object'})
436 3 17 unless ($session_class->can('TIEHASH'))
439 2 1 if $@
445 0 18 if $self->{'use_cookie'} and not $self->{'cookie_is_baked'}
458 0 24 unless my $sets = $ApacheSessionParams{$self->{'session_class_piece'}}
461 24 0 if grep {@$_;} @$sets
463 13 7 if ($self->{'session_class_piece'} eq 'Flex')
468 0 52 unless my $sets = $ApacheSessionFlexParams{$key}{$subclass}
472 14 38 if grep {@$_;} @$sets
489 34 8 if @matched == @$set
513 13 7 if ($self->{'session_class_piece'} eq 'Flex')
533 0 20 if $self->{'use_cookie'}
541 0 0 if ($MOD_PERL)
543 0 0 $MOD_PERL == 2 ? :
546 0 0 unless $cookie_class->can('new')
550 0 0 unless ($cookie_class and $cookie_class->can('new'))
558 0 0 if ($self->{'cookie_class'} eq 'CGI::Cookie') { }
566 0 0 $MOD_PERL == 2 ? :
574 0 0 $MOD_PERL == 2 ? :
579 0 0 $MOD_PERL == 2 ? :
594 86 12 if (exists $self->{$key})
609 10 18 if defined $session_id and $self->_try_session_id($session_id)
612 0 18 if defined $id and $self->_try_session_id($id)
614 0 18 if (defined $self->{'param_name'})
618 0 0 if defined $id and $self->_try_session_id($id)
621 0 18 if ($self->{'use_cookie'})
625 0 0 if (defined $id and $self->_try_session_id($id))
628 0 0 unless $self->{'cookie_resend'}
652 0 0 if ($MOD_PERL == 2) { }
656 0 0 if $c
663 0 0 if exists $c{$self->{'cookie_name'}}
675 2 10 if $self->{'session'} and defined $session_id and $self->{'session_id'} eq $session_id
686 0 26 if ($@ or not tied %s or not $s{'_session_id'})
693 8 18 if $self->{'session'}
709 3 0 if ($err =~ /Object does not exist/ and defined $session_id) { }
711 2 1 if $self->{'allow_invalid_id'}
719 0 0 $err ? :
730 0 0 if defined $expires and $expires =~ /^session$/i
751 0 0 defined $expires ? :
0 0 defined $domain ? :
756 0 0 if ($cookie->can('bake') and not $cookie->isa('CGI::Cookie')) { }
765 0 0 if ($header_object->can($meth))
777 0 0 unless $self->{'cookie_resend'}
790 12 3 if (not $self->{'session'} or %p)
795 0 11 if $self->{'use_cookie'} and not $self->{'cookie_is_baked'}
805 0 1 unless $self->{'session'}
813 0 1 if $self->{'use_cookie'}
820 22 2 if ($self->{'always_write'})
822 2 20 if ($self->{'session'}{'___force_a_write___'}) { }