Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 330 9.7

line true false branch
27 0 3 $debug ? :
49 0 0 if -f $adc
69 0 1 if $debug
71 0 1 if $debug > 1
73 0 1 if ($debug > 1)
75 0 0 $$conf{'clean'} ? :
79 0 1 if $debug > 1
81 0 1 unless (-d $tmpdir)
82 0 0 if $debug > 1
83 0 0 unless (mkdir $tmpdir, 493)
87 0 0 if $debug > 1
90 0 0 if $debug > 1
91 0 0 $debug > 1 ? :
97 0 0 if $debug > 1
100 0 1 unless (-w $tmpdir and -r $tmpdir)
104 1 0 if ($$conf{'clean'})
105 0 1 unless ($util->clean_tmp_dir($tmpdir, 'debug', 1, 'fatal', 0))
110 0 1 unless defined $$conf{'default_vhost'}
113 0 1 if ($$conf{'time_offset'})
120 0 0 $interval eq 'month' ? :
0 0 $interval eq 'hour' ? :
127 0 0 unless $util->yes_or_no("\nDoes the date $yy/$mm/$dd look correct? ")
132 0 1 if $debug == 1
144 0 0 unless ($host and $logfile)
150 0 0 if ($host eq 'localhost')
153 0 0 unless (-e $logfile)
155 0 0 if (-e "$logfile.gz")
163 0 0 if $debug
166 0 0 if $r != 0
171 0 0 if $debug
180 0 0 if $debug
183 0 0 unless ($util->syscmd($cmd, 'debug', 0, 'fatal', 0))
184 0 0 if $debug
187 0 0 if (-f "$logfile.gz")
191 0 0 if $debug
195 0 0 if $debug
201 0 0 if $debug
206 0 0 if $debug
211 0 0 unless $debug
214 0 0 unless ($r)
219 0 0 $debug ? :
239 0 0 if ($host eq 'localhost')
242 0 0 if $debug
247 0 0 unless $r
251 0 0 if ($size > 1000000) { }
255 0 0 if $debug
260 0 0 if $dry_run
265 0 0 if $debug
273 0 0 unless $r
276 0 0 unless ($size)
278 0 0 if $debug
283 0 0 if ($size > 1000000) { }
287 0 0 if $debug
297 0 0 if (not $domains_ref or ref $domains_ref ne 'HASH')
312 0 0 if $file =~ /\.bak$/
320 0 0 unless (-d $statsdir)
321 0 0 if $debug
327 0 0 if (-f "$statsdir/.processor")
332 0 0 if ($processor eq 'webalizer') { }
0 0 elsif ($processor eq 'http-analyze') { }
0 0 elsif ($processor eq 'awstats') { }
335 0 0 unless $debug
336 0 0 if $interval eq 'hour' or $interval eq 'day'
339 0 0 if $debug
345 0 0 if $interval eq 'hour' or $interval eq 'day'
347 0 0 if $interval eq 'month'
349 0 0 if $debug
356 0 0 unless -d $aws_cgi
357 0 0 unless -d $aws_cgi
364 0 0 if $debug
373 0 0 unless ($$self{'dry_run'})
374 0 0 if $debug
375 0 0 if $debug
377 0 0 if $r != 0
381 0 0 if ($$conf{'clean'})
407 0 0 if $debug > 1
413 0 0 unless ($dry_run)
418 0 0 unless ($self->compress_log_file($webserver, $access_log))
446 0 5 unless ($conf)
455 0 5 $interval eq 'month' ? :
0 5 $interval eq 'hour' ? :
460 0 5 if ($bump) { }
461 0 0 $debug > 1 ? :
467 0 5 $debug > 1 ? :
473 0 0 $interval eq 'month' ? :
5 0 $interval eq 'day' ? :
0 5 $interval eq 'hour' ? :
479 0 5 if $debug > 1
485 0 0 unless my $dir = shift()
493 0 0 if (not $logs[0] or $logs[0] eq '')
495 0 0 if $debug
500 0 0 if ($debug > 1)
510 0 1 if ($config and ref $config eq 'HASH')
515 0 1 if defined $$self{'conf'} and ref $$self{'conf'}
523 1 3 if ref $util
542 0 1 unless ($vhost_count_summary and -e $vhost_count_summary and -f $vhost_count_summary)
552 0 1 if $debug
562 1 0 if ($lines_in_array > 0)
567 0 0 if $debug
575 2 0 if ($fh)
589 0 2 unless $vhost
593 2 0 unless ($logdir and -w $logdir)
601 0 2 unless (open $REPORT, '>', $report_file)
606 0 2 if $debug
632 0 0 if ($$self{'host_count'} < 2)
633 0 0 if $debug
638 0 0 if $debug == 1
651 0 0 if (-s $file > 10000000)
652 0 0 if $debug
658 0 0 unless (open $UNSORTED, '<', $file)
665 0 0 unless (open $SORTED, '>', "$file.sorted")
666 0 0 if $debug
672 0 0 if $debug > 1
675 0 0 if $debug > 1
714 0 0 unless close $UNSORTED
716 0 0 if $debug > 1
721 0 0 unless $sortme{$a} <=> $sortme{$b}
733 0 0 unless move("$file.sorted", $file)
737 0 0 if $debug == 1
740 0 0 if $debug == 1
759 0 0 unless (-d "$dir/doms")
760 0 0 unless (mkdir "$dir/doms", 493)
767 0 0 if $debug > 1
785 0 0 unless (my $gz = gzopen($file, 'rb'))
791 0 0 if $debug
796 0 0 if $debug and $lines =~ /00$/
803 0 0 if (not $vhost or $vhost eq '-')
805 0 0 if $debug > 2
814 0 0 unless ($fhs{$vhost})
817 0 0 if ($fhs{$vhost})
823 0 0 if $debug > 1
828 0 0 if $debug
842 0 0 unless $$conf{'spam_check'}
847 0 0 if ($$data{'status'})
848 0 0 if ($$data{'status'} == 404)
852 0 0 if ($$data{'status'} == 412)
856 0 0 if ($$data{'status'} == 403)
862 0 0 if ($$data{'ref'} and $$data{'ref'} =~ /#$/)
867 0 0 if ($$data{'ua'})
868 0 0 $$data{'ua'} =~ /email/i ? :
0 0 $$data{'ua'} =~ /crazy/imsx ? :
876 0 0 if ($spam_score > 2)
878 0 0 if (defined $$data{'bytes'} and $$data{'bytes'} =~ /[0-9]+/)
910 0 0 if (open $fh, '>', "$dir/doms/$vhost")
911 0 0 if ($debug > 1)
926 0 0 unless $bad
932 0 0 if $debug
934 0 0 if $debug
946 0 0 if $debug
950 0 0 if $countlog
955 0 0 if ($$count{$key})
956 0 0 if $debug
958 0 0 if $countlog
961 0 0 if $countlog
963 0 0 if $debug
967 0 0 if ($$count{$key})
968 0 0 if $debug
977 0 0 unless $$count{'spam'}
982 0 0 if ($$conf{'report_spam_user_agents'})
984 0 0 if ($debug)
988 0 0 if ($bytes)
989 0 0 if ($bytes > 1000000000) { }
0 0 elsif ($bytes > 1000000) { }
1013 0 0 if ($$conf{'report_spam_referrers'})
1038 0 0 if ($mess) { }