Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 22 77.2

line true false branch
15 0 5 if @_ % 2
18 1 4 if ($v = delete $_{'keep'})
19 0 1 if (ref $v) { }
20 0 0 unless ref $v eq 'ARRAY'
27 0 5 if keys %_
38 1 6 if $self->{'keep'}{$defn->name}
45 7 346 if ($d->type eq 'section' and lc $d->name eq 'macro')
48 10 336 if ($d->type eq 'directive' and lc $d->name eq 'use')
50 9 1 if (my $defn = $self->macro($name))
92 24 21 if ($d->type eq 'directive') { }
12 9 elsif ($d->type eq 'section') { }