Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 42 0.0

line true false branch
43 0 0 if (defined $$me{'conf'}{'user'} and defined $$me{'conf'}{'pass'})
82 0 0 if $$self{'init'} == 1
85 0 0 unless defined $$self{'conf'} and scalar keys %{$$self{'conf'};}
119 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 2
126 0 0 unless $user = $self->CheckInputUser($user)
127 0 0 unless $pass = $self->CheckInputPass($pass)
130 0 0 unless ($$self{'init'})
131 0 0 unless $self->Initialize
136 0 0 if $self->Authenticator($user, $pass)
152 0 0 if ($$self{'conf'}{'UserStripWhite'})
158 0 0 unless ($user =~ /^([$$self{'conf'}{'UserChars'}]+)$/)
164 0 0 if ($ulen < $$self{'conf'}{'UserMin'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($ulen > $$self{'conf'}{'UserMax'}) { }
173 0 0 if ($$self{'conf'}{'UserUc'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'conf'}{'UserLc'}) { }
194 0 0 if ($$self{'conf'}{'PassStripWhite'})
200 0 0 unless ($pass =~ /^([$$self{'conf'}{'PassChars'}]+)$/)
206 0 0 if ($plen < $$self{'conf'}{'PassMin'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($plen > $$self{'conf'}{'PassMax'}) { }
221 0 0 if (scalar @_ == 2) { }
232 0 0 if (scalar @{$$self{'errors'};})