Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 146 234 62.3

line true false branch
147 0 15 unless my $tree = $$self{'tree'} = 'Apache::Admin::Config::Tree'->new(@_)
150 7 8 if (defined $htaccess) { }
152 0 7 unless $tree->_load($htaccess)
156 0 8 unless $tree->_init
187 1 1 defined $saveas ? :
190 0 2 unless defined $htaccess
195 2 0 if (ref $htaccess eq 'GLOB') { }
201 0 0 unless $fh = 'FileHandle'->new(">$htaccess")
205 0 2 $reformat ? :
292 0 0 if ($_->type eq 'section') { }
303 0 0 if ($_->type eq 'directive') { }
0 0 elsif ($_->type eq 'comment') { }
0 0 elsif ($_->type eq 'blank') { }
316 0 0 defined $_->value ? :
391 32 0 unless defined $args{'type'}
392 32 0 unless defined $args{'name'}
393 29 3 unless defined $args{'value'}
396 0 32 unless defined $which
399 0 32 if $which =~ /[^\d\-]/
401 0 32 if @_
403 0 32 unless $$self{'type'} eq 'section'
406 16 16 if defined $args{'name'}
407 18 14 if defined $args{'value'}
424 3985 0 if (defined $$item{$_}) { }
432 3084 901 unless $match
435 495 3084 if ($match)
441 2 30 if (length $which) { }
443 2 0 defined overload::StrVal($items[$which]) ? :
452 30 0 @items ? :
532 0 4 $indent > 0 ? :
4 47 $level ? :
576 0 12 unless defined $name
577 8 4 defined $value ? :
803 0 37 if ref $target eq 'Apache::Admin::Config'
806 0 37 unless defined $target
808 0 37 if @_ > 3
812 0 37 unless $$self{'type'} eq 'section'
815 12 25 defined $where ? :
816 3 34 if ($where eq '-before' || $where eq '-after' and defined $target)
818 0 3 unless ref $target and $target->isa('Apache::Admin::Config::Tree')
820 0 3 unless $target->isin($self)
826 0 37 if ($where eq '-before') { }
3 34 elsif ($where eq '-after') { }
6 28 elsif ($where eq '-ontop') { }
28 0 elsif ($where eq '-onbottom' or $where eq '') { }
849 0 37 if (ref $type) { }
14 23 elsif ($type eq 'section') { }
12 11 elsif ($type eq 'directive') { }
11 0 elsif ($type eq 'comment') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'blank') { }
856 0 14 unless defined $name and defined $value
866 0 12 unless defined $name
875 0 11 unless defined $name
877 1 10 defined $value && $value ? :
884 0 0 $name ? :
0 0 defined $name ? :
992 6 3 if ($type eq 'directive' or $type eq 'section') { }
3 0 elsif ($type eq 'comment') { }
996 0 6 if ($newvalue =~ /\n/) { }
1000 0 0 $type eq 'directive' ? :
1013 3 3 if ($type eq 'directive') { }
1064 0 0 if $dest->isin($self, '-recursif')
1116 0 0 if $_ eq 'parent'
1120 0 0 if ($self->type eq 'section')
1143 0 40 unless $self->parent
1156 0 0 unless $self->parent
1170 0 0 if ($self->type eq 'section') { }
1208 6 3 if ref $target eq 'Apache::Admin::Config'
1209 0 9 unless defined $$self{'parent'}
1210 0 9 unless ref $target and $target->isa('Apache::Admin::Config::Tree')
1212 0 9 unless $$target{'type'} eq 'section'
1214 0 9 if overload::StrVal($self) eq overload::StrVal($target)
1216 3 6 if ($recursif) { }
1235 12 143 if ($meth eq 'eq') { }
3 140 elsif ($meth eq 'ne') { }
3 137 elsif ($meth eq '==') { }
3 134 elsif ($meth eq '!=') { }
126 8 elsif (not defined $$self{'value'}) { }
1237 0 12 if ($^W and not defined $other && defined $$self{'value'})
1246 0 3 if ($^W and not defined $other && defined $$self{'value'})
1255 0 3 if ($^W and not defined $other && defined $$self{'value'})
1264 0 3 if ($^W and not defined $other && defined $$self{'value'})
1342 3 0 if (defined $$self{'parent'})
1345 3 0 if (defined $index)
1418 51 6 unless $self = $self->parent
1427 0 6 unless defined $$self{'parent'}
1431 6 6 if overload::StrVal($pchildren[$i]) eq overload::StrVal($self)
1440 18 856 if ($$_{'type'} eq 'section') { }
1456 40 133 if overload::StrVal($_[1]) eq overload::StrVal($i)
1459 1 132 if defined $found
1461 18 114 defined $_[0]{'length2'} ? :
1470 0 0 if $_[1] eq $i
1480 9 2066 if (defined $index and $index != -1) { }
1494 744 4 defined $value ? :
1513 56 0 defined $value ? :
1537 11 4725 defined $index ? :
1538 4109 627 if (defined $group and $group and defined $$tree{'children'}[$_index] and $$tree{'children'}[$_index]->type eq 'comment') { }
1567 0 644 defined $index ? :
1568 0 644 if (defined $group and $group and defined $$tree{'children'}[$_index] and $$tree{'children'}[$_index]->type eq 'blank') { }
1609 0 7 unless my $next .= <$fh>
1618 4725 1464 if ($line =~ /^\s*#\s?(.*?)\s*$/) { }
644 820 elsif ($line eq '') { }
736 84 elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)(?:\s+(.*?)|)$/) { }
42 42 elsif ($line =~ /^<\s*(\w+)(?:\s+([^>]+)|\s*)>$/) { }
42 0 elsif ($line =~ m[^$]) { }
1643 0 42 if not @level or $section_name ne lc $level[-1]{'name'}
1655 0 15 if $Apache::Admin::Config::DEBUG
1668 60 176 unless @$args
1674 20 694 if (defined $$args[$n] and not ref $$args[$n] and $$args[$n] eq $name)
1676 0 20 if not $boolean and $n + 1 >= @$args
1677 12 8 $boolean ? :
1678 0 20 unless defined $value
1679 12 8 wantarray ? :
1700 3 4 if (ref $htaccess eq 'GLOB') { }
1707 0 4 if not -f $htaccess and $$self{'create'}
1709 0 4 unless -r $htaccess
1710 0 4 unless $fh = 'FileHandle'->new($htaccess)