Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 91 189 48.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1482 3 46 0 $$global_asa{'exists'} and $global_asa->ScriptOnEnd

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
208 0 45 3 $status != 500 and defined $$response{'Status'}
45 3 0 $status != 500 and defined $$response{'Status'} and $$response{'Status'} != 302
319 46 0 23 $Apache::ASP::SrandPid and $Apache::ASP::SrandPid == $$
334 0 0 0 $r->can('filter_input') and $r->can('get_handlers')
494 0 0 1 $$tied{'writes'} and $tied->Size > $$self{'cache_size'}
641 0 0 74 length $file < 1024 and not $file =~ /^GLOB/
0 0 74 length $file < 1024 and not $file =~ /^GLOB/ and -e $file
706 96 0 0 $$self{'compile_includes'} and $$self{'GlobalASA'}{'exists'}
812 0 0 10 $file_exists and $parse_file
845 92 0 4 %Apache::ASP::includes and $$self{'pod_comments'}
901 5 87 9 $check_static_file and not $$data =~ /\<\%.*?\%\>/s
1151 0 0 0 -e $file and not -d _
1161 11 4 74 -e $path and not -d _
1232 72 15 0 $compiled and not $$self{'stat_scripts'}
1239 72 1 14 $compiled and $$compiled{'mtime'} > $mtime
1311 3 22 71 $data and $subid
25 3 68 $data and $subid and not $no_cache
1550 0 0 48 ref $key && $key =~ /SCALAR/
1559 11 0 6 defined $expires and $expires =~ /^\-?\d+$/
1581 16 0 7 defined $expires and $expires =~ /^\-?\d+$/
16 6 1 defined $expires and $expires =~ /^\-?\d+$/ and $expires != $$meta{'Expires'}
1614 0 23 0 defined $$meta{'ServerID'} and $$ ne $Apache::ASP::ServerPID
23 0 0 defined $$meta{'ServerID'} and $$ ne $Apache::ASP::ServerPID and $$meta{'ServerID'} ne $Apache::ASP::ServerID
15 4 4 $$meta{'Timeout'} and $$meta{'Timeout'} <= time
13 4 2 defined $last_modified and $last_modified >= $$meta{'Creation'}
1679 0 0 0 length $$xsl_data and length $$xml_data
1853 0 0 0 $Apache::ASP::NetConfig{'smtp_hosts'} and ($Apache::ASP::NetConfig{'smtp_hosts'}[0] || '') eq $$self{'mail_host'}
1867 0 0 0 not defined $args{'Debug'} and defined $$mail{'Debug'}
1917 0 0 0 $$mail{'Content-Type'} and not $$mail{'MIME-Version'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
263 41 28 $1 || '.'
276 27 42 &get_dir_config($dir_config, 'Global') || '.'
280 9 60 &get_dir_config($dir_config, 'Debug') || 0
373 0 69 &config($self, 'IncludesDir') || ''
529 46 0 $INC{'Apache/ASP/Share/'} || die(q[can't find path for $INC{'Apache/ASP/Share/'}])
788 0 0 $args ||= ''
987 23 1 $args ||= ''
1001 8 8 $args ||= ''
1068 32 0 $args ||= ''
1246 3 0 $$includes{$k} || 0
1362 65 22 $subid ||= ''
1542 1 0 &config($self, 'CacheDB') || 'MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File'
1582 1 0 $$meta{'Expires'} || ''
1607 8 0 $$meta{'Expires'} || 0
1666 0 0 &config($self, 'XSLTParser') || 'XML::XSLT'
1853 0 0 $Apache::ASP::NetConfig{'smtp_hosts'}[0] || ''
1873 0 0 &config($self, 'Debug') || 0
1900 0 0 $$mail{'From'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
175 48 0 0 $filename ||= $r->filename
177 0 0 48 not -e $filename or -d _
228 0 0 48 $$self{'filter'} or $status == 500
0 48 0 $$self{'filter'} or $status == 500 or $r->isa('Apache::ASP::CGI')
240 0 0 0 ref $_[0] or $_[0] eq 'Apache::ASP'
256 68 0 0 eval { do { &Time::HiRes::time() } } || time
261 48 21 0 $filename ||= $r->filename
479 1 0 0 &config($self, 'CacheSize') || $Apache::ASP::CacheSize
599 1 0 0 $inode_stat[0] or $inode_stat[1]
783 0 0 10 defined $args or $$self{'compile_includes'}
1229 48 39 0 $package || $$self{'GlobalASA'}{'package'}
1293 22 62 0 $include_ref || $include
1301 0 9 0 $include_ref || $include
1347 0 0 69 $file =~ m[^/] or $file =~ /^.\:/
1351 2 0 67 $dir =~ m[^/] or $dir =~ /^.\:/
1361 47 40 0 $package ||= $$self{'GlobalASA'}{'package'}
1448 0 1 48 $$self{'stat_inc_match'} or $$self{'stat_inc'}
1541 1 0 0 &config($self, 'CacheDir') || $$self{'state_dir'}
1544 1 0 0 Apache::ASP::State::new($self, $cache_name, 'cache') || $self->Error("could not do cache ${cache_name}: $!") && (return)
1803 0 0 0 $$self{'last_time'} || $time
1857 0 0 0 $$mail{'From'} ||= &config($self, 'MailFrom')